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Property:ctlmgr (avmcmd)
BoxMatrix >> Shell-Commands >> ctlmgr (avmcmd) | @ BoxMatrix - IRC-Chat - Translate: de es fr it nl pl |
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Name-Collision - multiple objects in this wiki use the name ctlmgr!
Command: | ctlmgr (avmcmd) - type Exec | Wiki | Freetz | IPPF | whmf | AVM | Web |
Location: | Shell-Commands >> AVM-Commands - Origin: AVM | ||||||
Path: | Release: /usr/bin Lab+Rel: /usr/bin | ||||||
Properties: | Size: 47.1k - 843k - Firmware: 1.120 - 8.00 | ||||||
Function: | System meta daemon also serving the Webinterface. |
Goto: Endpoints - Events - Config - Logs - Plugins - Source - Dependencies - Model-Matrix - Symbols - SMW-Browser
fw 7.29 help:
root@fritz2:/var/mod/root# ctlmgr -? usage: ctlmgr [options] options: -? - print this help -f - run in forground. (NOTSET) -s - stop daemon. (NOTSET) -v - verbose. (NOTSET) -p STRING - Pidfile. ("/var/run/ctlmgr.pid") -m - msg log to /var/tmp/ctlmgrmsg.log. (NOTSET) -D STRING - switch debug logs on. (FUNC) start server: ctlmgr stop server : ctlmgr -s
aicmd endpoint(s) provided by ctlmgr, with these functions: (fw 7.29)
root@fritz2:/var/mod/root# aicmd ctlmgr # provided by ctlmgr: - fw 7.01+ HELP - show help SLABDUMP - show slab allocation SLABSHOW - show slab information QUIT - disconnect # provided by ctlmgr: - fw 7.29+ msglog on - start logging messages to /var/tmp/ctlmgrmsg.log msglog off - stop logging messages # provided by ctlmgr: - fw 7.39+ fwupdate_notify started - (internal command) notify that firmware update started, optional parameter is the download url sessions show - show sessions (SID) # provided by libavmpcp.so: - fw 7.29+ libavmpcp show pcpinfo - show pcpinfo # provided by libavmupnp.so / libavmupnpbig.so: - fw 7.29+ upnpapicli show devices - show upnp devices upnpapicli show targets - show searched targets # provided by libwebsrv.so: - fw 7.29+ websrv show bfp - show brute force information # provided by libwebsrv.so: - fw 7.39+ websrv show dos - show dos information # provided by libcmapi.so: - fw 7.39+ cmapi show cfgs - show cfg files status # provided by libtr064.so: - fw 7.39+ tr064 show status - show TR-064 status tr064 show services - show all TR-064 services tr064 show actions - show all TR-064 services incl. SOAP actions tr064 show presets - show all TR-064 presets # provided by libusp.so: - fw 7.90+ usp agent obr - Send OnBoard Request to controller usp agent bootevent - Send Device.Boot! notification to controller usp agent open - Open connection usp agent close - Close connection usp agent controllers - Show all controllers usp agent subscriptions - Show all subscriptions usp agent bulkdata - Show all bulkdata profiles # provided by libewnwlinux.so: - fw 7.01+ ewnwlinux show csockshell - show shells running ewnwlinux show genetlink - show gerneric netlink families # provided by libewnwlinux.so: - fw 7.90+ ewnwlinux netlink show - show internal information ewnwlinux netlink getroute [address] - get route for inet address ewnwlinux netlink interfaces - show interfaces ewnwlinux netlink routes [ 4 | 6 ] - show routes # provided by libavmcsock.so: - fw 7.01+ avmcsock show csock - show all csock avmcsock show dnsconfig - show all dns context avmcsock show timercb - show all timer avmcsock show debughandles - show all debughandles avmcsock show cprocess - show all processes avmcsock set debug - set debug flags # provided by libavmcsock.so: - fw 7.29+ avmcsock show cbcontext - show all cbdata avmcsock show daemon - show daemon status avmcsock show cbuf - show cbuf status # provided by libavmcsock.so: - fw 7.39+ avmcsock getsymbol <address> - get symbol for address avmcsock show dnsglobal - show all dns global values avmcsock show dnscache - show cache avmcsock show dnsqueries - show all pending queries avmcsock show avmipc [endpoint shmatch] - show avmipc events and states avmcsock ctimer show - show all timer avmcsock ctimer overview - show ctimer overview avmcsock iotrace format unctrl|hexdump - set format for csock iotrace avmcsock iotrace file - enable iotrace to file avmcsock iotrace enable - enable iotrace via debugmsg avmcsock iotrace disable - disable iotrace avmcsock iotrace match help|<match> - show allowed matches or set match avmcsock iotrace reset - remove all matches avmcsock iotrace show - show configuration # provided by libavmcsock.so: - fw 7.90+ avmcsock show signals - show signal handler avmcsock show connector [cache|stats] - show connector information avmcsock show clogger - show clogger information avmcsock set clogmod [ <module> [ '.' <submodule ] ... ] [ '=' <level> ] - set clogmod log level avmcsock slab check - red zone/free check avmcsock slab reap [heavy] - call slab_reap/slab_reap_heavy avmcsock slab dump [long] - show slab allocation avmcsock slab show - show slab information avmcsock slab ewma [show|activate|deactivate|reset] - show average allocates/freed per second avmcsock avmipc notifier [endpoint shmatch] - show registered notifier avmcsock avmipc set [endpoint shmatch] - show states/events sent avmcsock avmipc csv [endpoint shmatch] - show states/events sent and listing as csv
msgsend endpoint(s) provided by ctlmgr, with these functions: (endpoints + commands, collected manually)
ctlmgr captive_portal_image <jpg-image> # from captive_portal_upload_image ctlmgr gc_imagedl <from> <to> # from picconv.sh ctlmgr mbstatus 5 # from supportdata ctlmgr sessions # from supportdata ctlmgr crashreport # from send_crashreport, svlogd.service ctlmgr crashreport xxx WLANLog_v2 <%s> # from libwlandcommon.so, liboffload_X490.so ctlmgr crashreport options=timeout_5,deleteFile DectReport <%s> # from dect_manager ctlmgr usbtether_hotplug # from udev-rndis-usb ctlmgr wlansta up <%s> # from wland ctlmgr wlansta down <%s> # from wland ctlmgr update # from dect_manager ctlmgr updatecheck # from dect_manager ctlmgr dsldiagnosedata_sent # from firmwarecfg ctlmgr login_linuxuid samba <%u> '<%s>' # from smbd 6.83 ctlmgr login_linuxuid ftp <%u> '<%s>' # from ftpd 6.83 ctlmgr ftps_cert_gen %d # from ftpd 6.83 -a ctlmgr "" # from showpcpinfo 7.57 usbinfod update_usb_infos # from make_devices, udev-mount-sd, storage, create_handle.sh KPI DECT <%u> "{\"sv\" : \"gen/v1\", ... # from dect_manager
Daily updated index of AVM-Events and AVMIPC-Datastore nodes affecting this command. Last update: 2023-12-10 05:13 GMT.
The owners of Event-Sinks and Event-Sources are manual research, which may be incomplete or even wrong.
A *
in the Mod
column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.
A **
in the Mod
column marks info from Supportdata2 probes, which by their nature will stay way more incomplete.
A -
in the Mod
column marks manual research, the Firmware
then shows where the item occurs, not the Relation
Relation | Typ | Object | Mod | Firmware | Info | Origin |
Netlink | family | NETLINK_GENERIC | 1** | 7.29 | Generic Netlink (genetlink) family for simplified netlink usage (#16) | Linux |
Multicast | group | AVMGGRP_GENETLINK_ALL | 2** | 6.87 - 6.88 | Hackish way to subscribe to all genetlink groups | AVM |
Multicast | group | AVMGGRP_L2TP | 9** | 7.01 - 7.51 | Interface of the L2TP tunneling server l2tpv3d | AVM |
Multicast | group | AVMGGRP_NLCTRL_NOTIFY | 12** | 7.01 - 7.51 | Notification about changes in subscribed genetlink groups | AVM |
Multicast | group | AVMGGRP_THERMAL_EVENT | 1** | 7.29 | TODO | AVM |
Multicast | group | AVMGGRP_UNKNOWN_0001 | 2** | 7.29 - 7.30 | TODO | AVM |
Multicast | group | AVMGGRP_UNKNOWN_0008 | 1** | 7.29 | TODO | AVM |
Netlink | family | NETLINK_ROUTE | 19** | 7.01 - 7.57 | Communication channel between routing dæmons and the kernel packet forwarding (#0) | Linux |
Multicast | group | RTMGRP_IPV4_IFADD | 24** | 6.04 - 7.57 | IPv4 address change of a Network-Interface | Linux |
Multicast | group | RTMGRP_IPV4_ROUTE | 24** | 6.04 - 7.57 | IPv4 Routing Table change | Linux |
Multicast | group | RTMGRP_IPV6_IFADDR | 24** | 6.04 - 7.57 | IPv6 address change of a Network-Interface | Linux |
Multicast | group | RTMGRP_IPV6_ROUTE | 24** | 6.04 - 7.57 | IPv6 Routing Table change | Linux |
Multicast | group | RTMGRP_LINK | 24** | 6.04 - 7.57 | Creation / deletion or up / down change of a Network-Interface. | Linux |
Multicast | group | RTMGRP_NOTIFY | 19** | 7.01 - 7.57 | Enable notification about changes in subscribed rtnetlink groups | Linux |
Multicast | group | RTMGRP_TC | 19** | 7.01 - 7.57 | Packet Scheduler Traffic Control change | Linux |
Sink | evsink | ctlmgr_button | 67* | 6.20 - 7.57 | Event-Sink of libcmapi.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Receives | event | push_button (event) | 67* | 6.20 - 7.57 | Button pressed or switch turned | AVM |
Sink | evsink | ctlmgr_capiotcp | 45* | 6.24 - 7.51 | Event-Sink of libcmapi.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Receives | event | capiotcp_startstop | 45* | 6.24 - 7.51 | Enable / disable capiotcp_server | AVM |
Receives | event | reboot_req | 45* | 6.24 - 7.51 | Reboot or factory reset trigger | AVM |
Receives | event | telefon_up | 45* | 6.24 - 7.51 | CAPI is up trigger | AVM |
Sink | evsink | ctlmgr_cpu_stats | 67* | 6.20 - 7.57 | Event-Sink of libcmapi.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Receives | event | cpu_idle (event) | 67* | 6.20 - 7.57 | CPU, DSP and memory consumption | AVM |
Receives | event | temperature (event) | 67* | 6.20 - 7.57 | System temperature | AVM |
Sink | evsink | ctlmgr_dslparam | 32* | 6.30 - 7.51 | Event-Sink of libbroadband_ui.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Receives | event | dsl_get | 32* | 6.30 - 7.51 | Broadband frontend details | AVM |
Sink | evsink | ctlmgr_led | 67* | 6.20 - 7.57 | Event-Sink of libcmapi.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Receives | event | led_status | 67* | 6.20 - 7.57 | LED event state change | AVM |
Sink | evsink | ctlmgr_pairing_module | 38* | 6.98 - 7.51 | Event-Sink of libcmapi.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Receives | event | push_button (event) | 38* | 6.98 - 7.51 | Button pressed or switch turned | AVM |
Sink | evsink | ctlmgr_sar | 32* | 6.30 - 7.51 | Event-Sink of libbroadband_ui.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Receives | event | dsl_connect_status | 32* | 6.30 - 7.51 | Broadband modem sync changes | AVM |
Sink | evsink | dect (evsink) | 40* | 6.24 - 7.57 | Event-Sink of libdect.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Receives | event | push_button (event) | 40* | 6.24 - 7.57 | Button pressed or switch turned | AVM |
Sink | evsink | eth_status | 65* | 6.25 - 7.31 | Event-Sink of libcmapi.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Receives | event | ethernet_connect_status | 65* | 6.25 - 7.31 | LAN port changes | AVM |
Sink | evsink | fiber_control (evsink) | 2* | 7.19 - 7.50 | Event-Sink of libdsl.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Receives | event | fiber_set_arch | 2* | 7.19 - 7.50 | Set Fiber frontend config | AVM |
Receives | event | user_source_notify | 2* | 7.19 - 7.50 | TODO | AVM |
Sink | evsink | plc_status | 19* | 6.32 - 7.57 | Event-Sink of libplcctlmgr.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Receives | event | powerline_status | 19* | 6.32 - 7.57 | PLC connection status | AVM |
Sink | evsink | plc_ui_module | 52* | 6.24 - 7.51 | Event-Sink of libplcctlmgr.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Receives | event | push_button (event) | 52* | 6.24 - 7.51 | Button pressed or switch turned | AVM |
Sink | evsink | tr069_idle_check | 57* | 6.24 - 7.51 | Event-Sink of libtr069.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Receives | event | telefonprofile (event) | 57* | 6.24 - 7.51 | Telephony power saving change | AVM |
Sink | evsink | updatecheck (evsink) | 7* | 7.01 - 7.29 | Event-Sink of libtr069.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Receives | event | user_source_notify | 7* | 7.01 - 7.29 | TODO | AVM |
Sink | evsink | wlan (evsink) | 67* | 6.20 - 7.57 | Event-Sink of libwlan.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Receives | event | autoprov | 67* | 6.20 - 7.57 | Stick&Surf auto provisioning of a WLAN-Stick | AVM |
Receives | event | push_button (event) | 67* | 6.20 - 7.57 | Button pressed or switch turned | AVM |
Receives | event | telefon_wlan_command | 67* | 6.20 - 7.57 | Enable / disable WLAN | AVM |
Receives | event | wlan_client_status | 67* | 6.20 - 7.57 | TODO | AVM |
Source | evsrc | fiber_control (evsrc) | 2* | 7.19 - 7.50 | Event-Source of libdsl.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Sends | event | fiber_get_arch | 2* | 7.19 - 7.50 | Fiber frontend details | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_DECTKPIReceiver.ctl | 33* | 6.98 - 7.57 | avmipc endpoint to trigger KPI creation by ctlmgr / libdect.so | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | KPI_PRE_INFORM_NOTIFY | 18** | 7.12 - 7.57 | Trigger event to create KPI. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_KPI.ctl | 57* | 6.60 - 7.51 | avmipc endpoint to send KPI to ctlmgr | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | @ | 2** | 7.30 - 7.31 | Special event for listeners of nameless private messages. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_TR064.ctl | 105* | 4.57 - 7.51 | avmipc endpoint of libtr064.so | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | @ | 21** | 7.12 - 7.51 | Special event for listeners of nameless private messages. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_TR069_AVM_CLIENT.ctl | 53* | 6.98 - 7.51 | avmipc endpoint of libtr069.so | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | TR069_AVM_LTE_DumpFile_Available | 2** | 7.30 - 7.31 | Trigger event announcing a mobile modem diagnosis dump. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_WLAN_LIB_NEXUS.ctl | 40* | 7.19 - 7.57 | avmipc endpoint of libwlan.so | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | NW_IPC_EVT_NEXUS_NEW_MASTER_TRUST | 21** | 7.29 - 7.57 | TODO | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_anony-ctlmgr-($num)-($num).ctl | 68* | 6.08 - 7.57 | Anonymous avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | docsis_dhcp_tr069info (avmipc) | 3** | 7.29 - 7.39 | State of the DHCP range of the DOCSIS TR-069 connection in JSON format. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | docsisinfo_cm_log_event | 3** | 7.29 - 7.39 | Inter-CPU event for DOCSIS modem event logging. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | docsisinfo_device | 3** | 7.29 - 7.39 | State of the DOCSIS modem in JSON format. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | docsisinfo_downstream | 3** | 7.29 - 7.39 | State of the DOCSIS 3.0 QAM downstream channels in JSON format. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | docsisinfo_ofdm_downstream | 3** | 7.29 - 7.39 | State of the DOCSIS 3.1 OFDM downstream ranges in JSON format. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | docsisinfo_ofdm_upstream | 3** | 7.29 - 7.39 | State of the DOCSIS 3.1 OFDM upstream ranges in JSON format. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | docsisinfo_upstream | 3** | 7.29 - 7.39 | State of the DOCSIS 3.0 QAM upstream channels in JSON format. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | edocsis_tr069info | 3** | 7.29 - 7.39 | State of the eDOCSIS eRouter TR-069 config in JSON format. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | edocsisstate | 3** | 7.29 - 7.39 | State of the eDOCSIS router in JSON format. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | EVENT_FWNOTIFY_EVENT | 19** | 7.01 - 7.51 | Target event to send Firewall state information to. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | hybrid_conns | 16** | 7.29 - 7.51 | TODO | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | ipv6_neigh_ifid_changed | 23** | 7.01 - 7.57 | TODO | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | KPI_PRE_INFORM_NOTIFY | 19** | 7.01 - 7.51 | Trigger event to create KPI. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | mobile_glob | 16** | 7.29 - 7.51 | State of the mobile modem capabilities in JSON format. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | NW_IPC_EVT_NEXUS_NEW_MASTER_TRUST | 21** | 7.29 - 7.57 | TODO | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | NW_IPC_EVT_NEXUS_NEW_PUSHBUTTON_TRUST | 18** | 7.12 - 7.51 | TODO | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | NW_IPC_EVT_OAUTH_COM_CLIENT | 20** | 7.29 - 7.57 | TODO | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | NW_IPC_EVT_WEBSERVER_DOS_DETECTED | 12** | 7.39 - 7.57 | Network event informing about a detected webserver DoS-Attack. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | NW_IPC_STATE_BOXCHANGE_APP | 9** | 7.39 - 7.51 | TODO | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | STATE_EXTADDRSTATUS_FBSTATE | 18** | 7.12 - 7.51 | State of all public IP addresses in JSON format. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | state_iface_inet | 22** | 7.01 - 7.57 | State of the internet connection in JSON format. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | STATE_INTERNET_CONFIG_STATUS_FBSTATE | 9** | 7.39 - 7.51 | State of the internet configuration in JSON format. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | STATE_RRDINFO_STATE | 9** | 7.39 - 7.51 | State of all RRD-Files in JSON format. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | STATE_SYSTEMTIMESTATUS_FBSTATE | 12** | 7.39 - 7.57 | State of the validity of the system time in JSON format. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | state_usDacPsm | 1** | 7.29 | TODO | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | upc.conf (avmipc) | 3** | 7.29 - 7.39 | State of the DOCSIS UPC over SNMP config in JSON format. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_ctlmgr-pcp-($num).ctl | 66* | 6.50 - 7.51 | avmipc endpoint of libavmpcp.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | libpcp_dump | 22** | 7.01 - 7.51 | Trigger event to dump PCP context info. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | libpcp_itemstatus | 19** | 7.01 - 7.51 | Target event to send PCP port openings to. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | libpcp_send_itemstatus | 22** | 7.01 - 7.51 | Trigger event to send all PCP port openings. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | pcpserver_changed | 22** | 7.01 - 7.51 | Trigger event to inform about PCP server changes. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_ctlmgr.ctl | 127* | 4.33 - 7.57 | avmipc_command endpoint of ctlmgr | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | @ | 22** | 7.12 - 7.57 | Special event for listeners of nameless private messages. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | aicmd_listener | 22** | 7.12 - 7.57 | Special event covering all aicmd compatible listeners. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | EVENT_NEIGHETHADDR_EVENT | 12** | 7.39 - 7.57 | TODO | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | EVENT_NEIGHETHADDR_EVENT-($num) | 12** | 7.39 - 7.57 | TODO | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | STATE_ETHSTATUS_FBSTATE | 21** | 7.29 - 7.57 | State of all LAN ports in JSON format. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | STATE_NEIGHALLOWEDNETS_STATE | 12** | 7.39 - 7.57 | State of the allowed neighbour networks in JSON format. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_ctlmgr_tfa.ctl | 32* | 6.81 - 7.51 | avmipc endpoint of libcmapi.so for 2FA for ctlmgr | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_ctlmgrtimer.ctl | 57* | 6.98 - 7.57 | avmipc endpoint of libtimer.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | @ | 22** | 7.12 - 7.57 | Special event for listeners of nameless private messages. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_dhcpv6info.ctl | 28* | 7.19 - 7.51 | avmipc endpoint of libcmapi.so for info from multid | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | STATE_DHCPV6STATUS_FBSTATE | 17** | 7.29 - 7.51 | State of the DHCPv6 lease ranges in JSON format. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_dsl_remote_mgmt_kpi.ctl | 25* | 6.80 - 7.51 | avmipc endpoint to trigger KPI creation by ctlmgr / libdslremotemgmt.so | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | KPI_PRE_INFORM_NOTIFY | 10** | 7.12 - 7.51 | Trigger event to create KPI. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_fiber_kpi.ctl | 4* | 7.01 - 7.50 | avmipc endpoint to trigger KPI creation by ctlmgr / libfiberremotemgmt.so | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | KPI_PRE_INFORM_NOTIFY | 2** | 7.29 | Trigger event to create KPI. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_kpi_name_receiver.ctl | 39* | 6.80 - 7.51 | avmipc endpoint to trigger KPI creation by ctlmgr / libctlusb.so | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | KPI_PRE_INFORM_NOTIFY | 18** | 7.01 - 7.51 | Trigger event to create KPI. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_libbb_sar.ctl | 2* | 7.39 | avmipc endpoint of TODO | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_logic.ctl | 128* | 4.31 - 7.57 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr for ctlmgr_ctl | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | @ | 22** | 7.12 - 7.57 | Special event for listeners of nameless private messages. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_mailbuilder.ctl | 8* | 7.39 - 7.51 | avmipc endpoint of libmailbuilder.so / ctlmgr | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | STATE_EXTADDRSTATUS_FBSTATE | 9** | 7.39 - 7.51 | State of all public IP addresses in JSON format. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_meshconfig_client_regevent.ctl | 57* | 6.98 - 7.57 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | @ | 22** | 7.12 - 7.57 | Special event for listeners of nameless private messages. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_meshconfig_server_regevent.ctl | 36* | 6.98 - 7.51 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | @ | 14** | 7.12 - 7.51 | Special event for listeners of nameless private messages. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_move_uimod.ctl | 8* | 7.39 - 7.51 | avmipc endpoint of libmoved.so / libcmapi.so / libmove_nw_s.so | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | @ | 9** | 7.39 - 7.51 | Special event for listeners of nameless private messages. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_nexus_fon_server.ctl | 30* | 6.98 - 7.51 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | @ | 13** | 7.12 - 7.51 | Special event for listeners of nameless private messages. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_sar.ctl | 23* | 6.98 - 7.51 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | @ | 6** | 7.29 - 7.51 | Special event for listeners of nameless private messages. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_tr064srv.ctl | 82* | 6.03 - 7.51 | avmipc endpoint of libtr064.so | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | @ | 21** | 7.12 - 7.51 | Special event for listeners of nameless private messages. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_uidebug.ctl | 11* | 7.39 - 7.57 | avmipc endpoint of libcmapi.so | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_usbinfod.ctl | 34* | 6.98 - 7.51 | avmipc endpoint of libctlusb.so | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | @ | 17** | 7.12 - 7.51 | Special event for listeners of nameless private messages. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_vpnmodule.ctl | 8* | 7.39 - 7.51 | avmipc endpoint of libcmapi.so | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | EVENT_VPNNOTIFY_EVENT | 8** | 7.39 - 7.51 | Target event to send VPN state information to. | AVM |
Listens to | avmipc | STATE_IFACE_INET_FAMILY | 7** | 7.39 - 7.51 | State of the internet connection in JSON format. | AVM |
Endpoint | sock | me_webkpi_($num).ctl | 4* | 7.39 - 7.51 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr / libtr069.so / libwebkpi.so | AVM |
Command | cmd | ctlmgr (avmcmd) | 1 | 4.81 - 5.22 | System meta daemon also serving the Webinterface. | AVM |
Sends | avmipc | AVM_DSL_DIAG_TR69_CTRL | - | 7.12 - 7.51 | Trigger event requesting DSL modem diagnosis. | AVM |
Sends | avmipc | EVENT_FWNOTIFY_EVENT_query | - | 7.01 - 7.51 | Trigger event to query for Firewall state notification. | AVM |
Sends | avmipc | EVENT_VPNNOTIFY_EVENT_query | - | 7.39 - 7.51 | Trigger event to query for VPN state notification. | AVM |
Sends | avmipc | libpcp_itemstatus | - | 7.01 - 7.51 | Target event to send PCP port openings to. | AVM |
Sends | avmipc | libpcp_send_itemstatus | - | 7.01 - 7.51 | Trigger event to send all PCP port openings. | AVM |
Sends | avmipc | NW_IPC_EVT_HOMENET_NEWDEVICES | - | 7.29 - 7.50 | Network event informing about new devices in the LAN. | AVM |
Sends | avmipc | NW_IPC_EVT_WEBSERVER_DOS_DETECTED | - | 7.39 - 7.57 | Network event informing about a detected webserver DoS-Attack. | AVM |
Sends | avmipc | STATE_DEVICENAME_FBSTATE | - | 7.39 - 7.57 | State of the current Box-Name in JSON format. | AVM |
Sends | avmipc | STATE_INTERNET_CONFIG_STATUS_FBSTATE | - | 7.39 - 7.57 | State of the internet configuration in JSON format. | AVM |
Sends | avmipc | STATE_IPCLIENT_PB_STATUS_FBSTATE | - | 7.39 - 7.51 | State of the Mesh repeater Phonebook sync in JSON format. | AVM |
Sends | avmipc | STATE_TR069CM_REQUEST_TR069CM_REQUEST | - | 7.29 - 7.39 | State of the DOCSIS modem TR-069 request in JSON format. | AVM |
Sends | avmipc | STATE_USBSTATUS_FBSTATE | - | 7.39 - 7.51 | State of the FTP and Samba services in JSON format. | AVM |
151 event relations for this command |
Daily updated index of Configuration files accessed by this command. Last update: 2025-02-26 07:19 GMT.
A -
in the Mod
column marks manual research, the Firmware
then shows where the item occurs, not the Relation
Relation | Typ | Object | Mod | Firmware | Info | Origin |
Config from | tffs | ahausr.cfg (tffs) | - | 5.50 - 8.00 | Basic settings for Matter | AVM |
Config from | tffs | ar7.cfg (tffs) | - | 4.07 - 8.00 | TODO | AVM |
Config from | tffs | tr069.cfg (tffs) | - | 4.07 - 8.00 | TODO | AVM |
Config from | tffs | tr369.cfg (tffs) | - | 7.08 - 8.00 | TODO | AVM |
Config from | tffs | user.cfg (tffs) | - | 4.31 - 8.00 | TODO | AVM |
Config from | tffs | voip.cfg (tffs) | - | 4.31 - 8.00 | TODO | AVM |
Config from | tffs | vpn.cfg (tffs) | - | 4.07 - 8.00 | TODO | AVM |
7 config relations for this command |
See the Logs section of libcmapi.so and of other libraries opened by ctlmgr in the showshringbuf article.
ctlmgr is highly modular and is extended by plugin libraries in /usr/share/ctlmgr
These are no Dependencies but they are optionally loaded if they are present there.
This is a subset of the Shared-Libraries section, filtered for files in /usr/share/ctlmgr
Daily updated index of all shared libraries found scanning Firmware-Probes . Last update: 2025-02-26 05:48 GMT.
The label (lib)
in the Library
column shows there are other objects in this wiki using this name.
The Mod
column shows the amount of models using the respective library. Click the column header to sort by this number.
You can hover or click a possible Link
in the Type
column to see the target of that link.
Library | Mod | Firmware | Description | Path | Size/Bytes | Type | Origin |
libavm_docsis_manager.so | 15 | 4.85 - 8.00 | ctlmgr plugin library for DOCSIS configuration | /lib, /usr/share/ctlmgr | 21.9k - 35.8k, Link | Link, Lib | AVM |
libbroadband_ui.so | 18 | 7.29 - 8.00 | ctlmgr plugin library for Broadband configuration | /lib, /usr/lib, /usr/share/ctlmgr | 77.4k - 119k, Link | Link, Lib | AVM |
libconfigd.so | 69 | 4.78 - 8.00 | ctlmgr plugin library for configd configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 35.1k - 69.9k | Lib | AVM |
libctlrext.so | 22 | 5.09 - 7.63 | ctlmgr plugin library for Repeater configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 8.3k - 14.3k | Lib | AVM |
libctlusb.so | 84 | 3.63 - 8.00 | ctlmgr plugin library for USB configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 15.3k - 112k | Lib | AVM |
libctlwebdav.so | 65 | 4.74 - 8.00 | ctlmgr plugin library for WebDAV configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 12.3k - 27.0k | Lib | AVM |
libctlwebdav_shm.so | 1 | 6.50 - 6.64 | nas_ctlmgr plugin library for WebDAV | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 4.6k | Lib | AVM |
libdect.so | 70 | 4.21 - 8.00 | ctlmgr plugin library for DECT configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 17.7k - 107k | Lib | AVM |
libdsl.so | 48 | 4.86 - 7.31 | ctlmgr plugin library for DSL / Fiber configuration | /lib, /usr/share/ctlmgr | 53.1k - 99.4k, Link | Link, Lib | AVM |
libewe.so | 3 | 4.81 - 5.51 | ctlmgr plugin library for EWE-Smartmeter configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 19.6k - 37.1k | Lib | AVM |
libfon.so | 111 | 1.120 - 8.00 | ctlmgr plugin library for Telephony configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 103k - 680k, Link | Link, Lib | AVM |
libgsm.so | 40 | 4.63 - 6.110 | ctlmgr plugin library for GSM configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 12.4k - 19.2k | Lib | AVM |
liblrwpan.so | 4 | 7.52 - 7.90 | ctlmgr plugin library for ZigBee configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 25.3k - 33.3k | Lib | AVM |
liblted.so | 9 | 5.08 - 6.98 | ctlmgr plugin library for lted configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 36.9k - 46.1k | Lib | AVM |
libmesh_plugin.so | 63 | 7.08 - 8.00 | ctlmgr plugin library for Mesh configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 9.2k - 19.1k | Lib | AVM |
libmini.so | 12 | 4.44 - 4.99 | ctlmgr plugin library for FRITZ! Mini configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 14.6k - 15.8k | Lib | AVM |
libmobiled.so | 43 | 6.98 - 8.00 | ctlmgr plugin library for mobiled configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 36.7k - 68.4k | Lib | AVM |
libnlr.so | 1 | 4.65 - 4.88 | ctlmgr plugin library for fwr configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 11.7k - 13.0k | Lib | AVM |
libplcctlmgr.so | 79 | 5.07 - 8.00 | ctlmgr plugin library for accessing Powerline devices | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 21.4k - 93.5k, Link | Link, Lib | AVM |
libtamconf.so | 80 | 4.21 - 8.00 | ctlmgr plugin library for TAM configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 19.4k - 49.9k | Lib | AVM |
libtelcfg.so | 105 | 4.28 - 8.00 | ctlmgr plugin library for Telephony configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 138k - 294k | Lib | AVM |
libtimer.so | 98 | 4.85 - 8.00 | ctlmgr plugin library for Timer configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 22.3k - 49.9k | Lib | AVM |
libtr064.so | 121 | 4.34 - 8.00 | ctlmgr plugin library for TR-064 configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 3.8k - 809k | Lib | AVM |
libtr069.so | 147 | 3.93 - 8.00 | ctlmgr plugin library for TR-069 configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 45.5k - 1.6M | Lib | AVM |
libuser.so | 106 | 4.22 - 8.00 | ctlmgr plugin library for Box-User configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 24.0k - 309k | Lib | AVM |
libusp.so | 32 | 7.39 - 8.00 | ctlmgr plugin library for TR-369 / USP configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 166k - 325k | Lib | AVM |
libvdsl.so | 7 | 4.70 - 5.09 | ctlmgr plugin library for VDSL configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 24.6k - 31.0k | Lib | AVM |
libvpnstat.so | 32 | 4.22 - 5.54 | ctlmgr plugin library for VPN stats | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 10.3k - 16.8k | Lib | AVM |
libwlan.so | 138 | 1.133 - 8.00 | ctlmgr plugin library for WLAN configuration | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 38.3k - 612k, Link | Link, Lib | AVM |
lib_hansenet_voice_assi.so | 3 | 4.65 - 5.09 | ctlmgr plugin library for Hansenet Voice-Assistent | /usr/share/ctlmgr | 42.3k - 43.1k | Lib | AVM |
30 shared libraries |
Plugins are loaded by libcmapi.so today and there is a plugin referred which have not been seen yet:
The names of source files compiled into an executable often help to understand function blocks (and show gaps in the docs).
fw 7.39 source files:
$ strings /usr/bin/ctlmgr | grep -e '\.c$' -e '\.cpp$' ar7/ctlmgr/src/logic/main.c ar7/ctlmgr/src/logic/main_mailbuilder.c ar7/ctlmgr/src/logic/fwupdate_report.cpp ar7/ctlmgr/src/logic/single_sign_on_convert.cpp
Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-02-26 08:12 GMT.
A *
in the Mod
column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.
Relation | Typ | Object | Mod | Firmware | Info | Origin |
Started by | serv | ctlmgr.service | 44 | 7.39 - 8.00 | supervisor service for ctlmgr. | AVM |
Runs as | proc | ctlmgr (process) | 145* | 4.07 - 8.00 | Process running ctlmgr | AVM |
Registers | wdog | ctlmgr (watchdog) | 75* | 6.20 - 8.00 | Watchdog for ctlmgr | AVM |
Serving | port | Port-80-tcp | 108* | 5.04 - 8.00 | HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol - Webinterface | AVM |
Serving | port | Port-82-tcp | 1* | 5.04 | TODO | AVM |
Serving | port | Port-443-tcp | 89* | 5.08 - 8.00 | HTTPS - Hypertext Transfer Protocol over SSL/TLS - Webinterface | AVM |
Serving | port | Port-1900-udp | 102* | 5.04 - 8.00 | SSDP - Simple Service Discovery Protocol (discovery of UPnP devices) | AVM |
Serving | port | Port-5350-udp | 24* | 6.51 - 7.90 | PCP - Port Control Protocol - client | AVM |
Serving | port | Port-7170-tcp | 3* | 4.71 - 5.09 | TR-069 ACS initiation port (Hansenet Alice IAD models). | AVM |
Serving | port | Port-7547-tcp | 5* | 4.74 - 4.81 | TR-069 ACS initiation port (Telekom and Congstar models) / Powerline TR-069 Client. | AVM |
Serving | port | Port-8089-tcp | 122* | 4.33 - 8.00 | TR-069 ACS initiation port (AVM models). | AVM |
Serving | port | Port-8182-tcp | 79* | 5.04 - 8.00 | HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol - Surfcontrol no ticket | AVM |
Serving | port | Port-8183-tcp | 60* | 6.08 - 8.00 | HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol - Update notify | AVM |
Serving | port | Port-8184-tcp | 54* | 6.25 - 8.00 | HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol - Surfcontrol | AVM |
Serving | port | Port-8185-tcp | 54* | 6.50 - 8.00 | HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol - Untrusted guest | AVM |
Serving | port | Port-8186-tcp | 54* | 6.50 - 8.00 | HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol - Guest | AVM |
Serving | port | Port-8881-tcp | 2* | 5.05 - 5.51 | TODO | AVM |
Serving | port | Port-40500-udp | 4* | 6.85 - 7.61 | TODO | AVM |
Serving | port | Port-42000-udp | 4* | 6.85 - 7.39 | TODO | AVM |
Serving | port | Port-44000-udp | 4* | 6.85 - 7.51 | TODO | AVM |
Serving | sock | avmnexus_Auth.ctl | 32* | 7.19 - 8.00 | avmnexusd worker endpoint for authentification | AVM |
Serving | sock | avmnexus_CtlmgrTimerConfig.ctl | 64* | 6.98 - 8.00 | avmnexusd worker endpoint for ctlmgr timer synchronization | AVM |
Serving | sock | avmnexus_Fon.ctl | 34* | 6.98 - 8.00 | avmnexusd worker endpoint for Mesh-Telephony sharing | AVM |
Serving | sock | avmnexus_Mailer.ctl | 40* | 6.98 - 8.00 | avmnexusd worker endpoint for Mesh-Mailer sharing | AVM |
Serving | sock | avmnexus_MeshConfig.ctl | 40* | 6.98 - 8.00 | avmnexusd worker endpoint for box configuration sharing | AVM |
Serving | sock | avmnexus_MoveDiscovery.ctl | 4* | 7.51 - 7.90 | avmnexusd worker endpoint for moved discovery | AVM |
Serving | sock | avmnexus_MyfritzAutoReg.ctl | 5* | 7.39 - 8.00 | avmnexusd worker endpoint for automatic MyFRITZ! registration | AVM |
Serving | sock | avmnexus_OnTelNexus.ctl | 33* | 7.08 - 8.00 | avmnexusd worker endpoint for Online-Phonebook sharing | AVM |
Serving | sock | avmnexus_RemoteEventlog.ctl | 40* | 6.98 - 8.00 | avmnexusd worker endpoint for Event-Log sharing | AVM |
Serving | sock | avmnexus_UpdateCheck.ctl | 48* | 7.19 - 8.00 | avmnexusd worker endpoint for Update-Check sharing | AVM |
Serving | sock | ctlmgr_plugin | 47* | 6.04 - 8.00 | TODO | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_DECTKPIReceiver.ctl | 38* | 6.98 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint to trigger KPI creation by ctlmgr / libdect.so | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_KPI.ctl | 63* | 6.60 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint to send KPI to ctlmgr | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_KPI_Informer.ctl | 5* | 6.84 - 6.93 | TODO | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_RemAuthNexusCliThr.ctl | 5* | 7.14 - 7.41 | TODO | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_TR064.ctl | 118* | 4.57 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr / libtr064.so | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_TR069_AVM_CLIENT.ctl | 59* | 6.98 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr / libtr069.so | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_WLAN_LIB_NEXUS.ctl | 48* | 7.19 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr / libwlan.so | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_acs_initiation.ctl | 1* | 6.88 | TODO | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_anony-ctlmgr-($num)-($num).ctl | 75* | 6.08 - 8.00 | Anonymous avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_cmapi_boxinfo.ctl | 1* | 7.58 | avmipc endpoint of libcmapi.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_cr_handler_prov.ctl | 2* | 7.01 - 7.29 | TODO | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_ctlmgr-pcp-($num).ctl | 72* | 6.50 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of libavmpcp.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_ctlmgr.ctl | 140* | 4.33 - 8.00 | avmipc_command endpoint of ctlmgr | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_ctlmgr_speedtest.ctl | 1* | 6.50 - 6.66 | TODO | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_ctlmgr_tfa.ctl | 36* | 6.81 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of libcmapi.so for 2FA for ctlmgr | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_ctlmgrtimer.ctl | 64* | 6.98 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of libtimer.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_ctlrext_regevent.ctl | 1* | 7.90 | TODO | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_dhcpv6info.ctl | 35* | 7.19 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr / libcmapi.so for info from multid | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_dsl_remote_mgmt_kpi.ctl | 28* | 6.80 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint to trigger KPI creation by ctlmgr / libdslremotemgmt.so | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_fiber_kpi.ctl | 5* | 7.01 - 7.81 | avmipc endpoint to trigger KPI creation by ctlmgr / libfiberremotemgmt.so | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_kpi_name_receiver.ctl | 44* | 6.80 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint to trigger KPI creation by ctlmgr / libctlusb.so | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_lib_bb_remote_management.ctl | 7* | 7.60 - 8.00 | TODO | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_libbb_sar.ctl | 2* | 7.39 | avmipc endpoint of TODO | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_libgsm.ctl | 42* | 4.76 - 6.92 | TODO | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_logic.ctl | 141* | 4.31 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr for ctlmgr_ctl | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_mailbuilder.ctl | 16* | 7.39 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of libmailbuilder.so / ctlmgr | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_meshconfig_client_regevent.ctl | 64* | 6.98 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_meshconfig_server_regevent.ctl | 41* | 6.98 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_move_uimod.ctl | 16* | 7.39 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr / libmoved.so / libcmapi.so / libmove_nw_s.so | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_nexus_fon_server.ctl | 34* | 6.98 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_providerlist.ctl | 7* | 7.60 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_sar.ctl | 26* | 6.98 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_tr064srv.ctl | 92* | 6.03 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr / libtr064.so | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_uidebug.ctl | 20* | 7.39 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of libcmapi.so | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_uimod_rrd.ctl | 4* | 7.90 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of libcmapi.so for ctlmgr | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_usbinfod.ctl | 39* | 6.98 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr / libctlusb.so | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_vpnmodule.ctl | 16* | 7.39 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr / libcmapi.so, libtr069.so | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_webkpi_($num).ctl | 13* | 7.39 - 8.00 | avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr / libtr069.so / libwebkpi.so | AVM |
Serving | sock | plc_sock_if | 58* | 6.03 - 7.17 | Lua access to Powerline devices | AVM |
Serving | sock | timer_if | 102* | 5.04 - 8.00 | TODO | AVM |
Serving | sock | wlancsi_listener_($hex).socket | 74* | 6.50 - 8.00 | TODO | AVM |
Depends on | lib | ld.so | 41 | 7.08 - 8.00 | Dynamic linker / loader | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libar7cfg.so | 151 | 1.120 - 8.00 | TFFS-Configuration API to ar7.cfg and many more. | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libasset_bundle.so | 21 | 7.90 - 8.00 | Asset-Bundles helper functions | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libautodetectnotify.so | 2 | 7.90 | TODO | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavm_event.so | 151 | 3.42 - 8.00 | AVM-Events management API | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmauth.so | 70 | 6.51 - 8.00 | Fritzbox authentification helpers | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmcipher.so | 151 | 3.23 - 8.00 | AES / DES / Rijndael encryption / decryption. | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmcrypto.so | 52 | 7.19 - 8.00 | JWE encryption / decryption / key generator | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmcsock.so | 151 | 1.120 - 8.00 | Networking, I/O and helper functions | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmdnsnotify.so | 32 | 7.51 - 8.00 | Client / server DNS notification API | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmfbconf.so | 41 | 7.39 - 7.81 | API to hardcoded fbconf.cfg | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmfbstate.so | 55 | 7.08 - 8.00 | IPC fritzbox state notification | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmfwnotify.so | 49 | 6.51 - 8.00 | Firewall state notification. | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmhmac.so | 151 | 3.23 - 8.00 | HMAC / SHA / MD5 hashing. | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmipchomenet.so | 42 | 7.08 - 8.00 | TODO | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmmatter.so | 1 | 7.61 - 7.63 | AVM Matter core API | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmnexus.so | 64 | 6.88 - 8.00 | avmnexusd worker socket API | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmnexus_tab.so | 21 | 7.90 - 8.00 | TFFS-Configuration API to avmnexus.cfg | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmnexuscfg.so | 64 | 6.88 - 8.00 | TODO | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmnexuscpp.so | 64 | 6.98 - 8.00 | Mesh client / server C++ API class | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmnexusmail.so | 64 | 6.98 - 8.00 | Push-Mail across a Mesh network | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmpcp.so | 74 | 6.35 - 8.00 | Port Control Protocol (PCP) API library | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmrrdstate.so | 32 | 7.39 - 8.00 | API wrapping rrdinfo | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmssl.so | 64 | 6.83 - 8.00 | SSL certificate creation / validation | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmupnpbig.so | 90 | 5.58 - 8.00 | UPnP support API (big version) | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmuspmesh.so | 44 | 7.39 - 8.00 | TODO | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmvpnnotify.so | 32 | 7.39 - 8.00 | VPN state notification. | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmwdt.so | 22 | 7.61 - 8.00 | AVM-Watchdogs management API | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libbotnetfilterlib.so | 1 | 6.83 | TODO | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libboxenv.so | 21 | 7.90 - 8.00 | API to the rc.conf enhanced Config-Environment | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libboxlib.so | 151 | 1.120 - 8.00 | Box status, logging and statistics functions | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libboxnotify.so | 77 | 6.35 - 8.00 | boxnotifyd client API (old) | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libboxnotifycsock.so | 77 | 6.35 - 8.00 | boxnotifyd client API (new) | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libbroadband.so | 39 | 7.24 - 8.00 | TODO | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libc.so | 150 | 1.120 - 8.00 | Standard C library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libcfgimpexp.so | 21 | 7.90 - 8.00 | TFFS-Configuration API for configuration import and export. | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libcm.so | 151 | 1.120 - 8.00 | ctlmgr / cm_logic messaging API | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libcmapi.so | 77 | 6.35 - 8.00 | API library for ctlmgr and its plugins. | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libcmexpat.so | 1 | 2.76 | Stream-oriented XML parser (subset) | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libcmquery.so | 32 | 7.39 - 7.81 | Asynchronous ctlmgr query | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libcore.so | 22 | 7.61 - 8.00 | Gathers the MAC addresses of the device and maintains its device mode. | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libcrypt.so | 73 | 2.76 - 8.00 | Encoding and decoding handling routines. | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libcrypto.so | 70 | 6.54 - 8.00 | OpenSSL general crypto and X.509 library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libdl.so | 129 | 1.120 - 8.00 | Dynamic linking library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libdocsisinfodata.so | 7 | 6.110 - 8.00 | TODO | Puma |
Depends on | lib | libdputil.so | 78 | 6.25 - 8.00 | DataPipe / packet utilities | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libeventlog.so | 21 | 7.90 - 8.00 | System Event-Log management API | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libewnwjson.so | 51 | 6.83 - 8.00 | JSON helper functions | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libewnwled.so | 121 | 4.61 - 8.00 | LED event helper functions | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libewnwlinux.so | 151 | 1.128 - 8.00 | Linux networking functions | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libewnwnet.so | 116 | 4.74 - 8.00 | Internet helper functions | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libfbconf.so | 22 | 7.61 - 8.00 | API to hardcoded fbconf.cfg | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libfbsync.so | 22 | 7.61 - 8.00 | TODO | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libfcctl.so | 1 | 7.24 - 8.00 | API to the Broadcom Packet Flow Cache driver. | Broadcom |
Depends on | lib | libfwsign.so | 62 | 7.08 - 7.81 | Firmware signature validation | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libfwupdate.so | 51 | 7.27 - 8.00 | TODO | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libfwupdate_via_nexus.so | 44 | 7.39 - 8.00 | Firmware update across a Mesh network | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libfwupdatetrace.so | 64 | 6.88 - 8.00 | TFFS-Configuration API to fwupdatetrace.cfg | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libgcc_s.so | 107 | 4.22 - 8.00 | GCC low-level runtime library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libhtmltemplate.so | 77 | 6.35 - 8.00 | Template preprocessor for HTML / XML markup | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libikeapi.so | 68 | 5.50 - 8.00 | avmike client / server communication API | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libjasonclient.so | 80 | 4.77 - 7.08 | Update-Search - first generation - JASON | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libjuisclient.so | 70 | 6.54 - 8.00 | Update-Search - second generation - JUIS | AVM |
Depends on | lib | liblandev.so | 43 | 6.98 - 8.00 | TODO | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libled.so | 62 | 3.73 - 5.09 | LED API - first generation | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libled2.so | 77 | 6.35 - 8.00 | LED API - second+third generation | AVM |
Depends on | lib | liblocalize.so | 21 | 7.90 - 8.00 | Charset conversion helper functions | AVM |
Depends on | lib | liblrwpan_tools.so | 2 | 7.90 | ZigBee configuration import / export helper functions | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libm.so | 65 | 4.34 - 8.00 | C math library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libmove_helper.so | 21 | 7.90 - 8.00 | TODO | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libmoved.so | 32 | 7.39 - 7.81 | API to the moved service. | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libmovetrace.so | 32 | 7.39 - 8.00 | TODO | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libmxml.so | 90 | 5.56 - 8.00 | Mini-XML parser / generator | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libneighbour.so | 22 | 7.61 - 8.00 | Neighbour discovery and notification API | AVM |
Depends on | lib | liboauth2.so | 61 | 6.54 - 8.00 | OAuth v2.0 authentificator | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libpthread.so | 129 | 1.120 - 8.00 | POSIX threading library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | librt.so | 56 | 6.35 - 8.00 | POSIX realtime extensions library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libslab.so | 53 | 3.42 - 5.09 | Slab allocator or empty dummy library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libslab_c++.so | 21 | 7.90 - 8.00 | C++ slab allocator | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libspeedtest.so | 77 | 6.35 - 8.00 | Kernel speedtest API | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libssl.so | 64 | 6.83 - 8.00 | OpenSSL implementations of SSL and TLS | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libstdc++.so | 21 | 7.90 - 8.00 | GNU C++ library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libsvctl.so | 52 | 7.19 - 8.00 | supervisor notification library | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libtiinterpreter.so | 44 | 7.39 - 8.00 | Preprocessor for SSI-Files by TI. | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libupnpdev.so | 90 | 5.58 - 8.00 | UPnP root device helper library | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libwdt.so | 148 | 1.120 - 7.81 | AVM-Watchdogs management API | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libwebkpiclient.so | 32 | 7.39 - 8.00 | KPI sensor for system parts which use HTTP / HTTPS | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libwebsrv.so | 132 | 4.44 - 8.00 | HTTP / HTTPS webserver and tools. | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libyajl.so | 70 | 6.54 - 8.00 | Event-driven JSON parser | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libz.so | 64 | 6.83 - 8.00 | Zlib compressor / decompressor | Linux |
162 dependencies for this command |
Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-02-26 05:48 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl)
label in the Model
column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.
Model | Firmware | Path | Size |
FRITZ!Box | 2.76 - 4.02 | /usr/bin | 230k - 287k |
FRITZ!Box SL | 3.48 - 3.94 | /usr/bin | 190k - 269k |
FRITZ!Box 2030 | 3.73 - 3.93 | /usr/bin | 190k - 198k |
FRITZ!Box 2031 | 4.15 | /usr/bin | 318k |
FRITZ!Box 2070 | 3.87 - 4.15 | /usr/bin | 252k - 318k |
FRITZ!Box 2110 | 4.52 | /usr/bin | 335k |
FRITZ!Box 2170 | 4.31 - 4.57 | /usr/bin | 268k - 354k |
FRITZ!Box SL WLAN | 3.23 - 4.34 | /usr/bin | 230k - 318k |
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3020 | 3.23 - 4.34 | /usr/bin | 230k - 318k |
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3030 | 3.65 - 4.34 | /usr/bin | 252k - 318k |
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3050 | 3.63 - 4.07 | /usr/bin | 252k - 300k |
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3070 | 3.87 - 4.15 | /usr/bin | 252k - 318k |
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3130 | 4.21 - 4.34 | /usr/bin | 280k - 390k |
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3131 | 4.29 - 4.57 | /usr/bin | 268k - 354k |
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3170 | 4.31 - 4.58 | /usr/bin | 268k - 354k |
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270 | 4.57 - 5.54 | /usr/bin | 370k - 708k |
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270 v3 | 4.77 - 5.54 | /usr/bin | 426k - 712k |
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270 IT | 5.23 - 5.52 | /usr/bin | 575k - 712k |
FRITZ!Box 3272 (main) | 5.50 - 6.89 | /usr/bin | 55.6k - 834k |
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3370 (main) | 5.01 - 6.56 | /usr/bin | 55.6k - 839k |
FRITZ!Box 3390 (main) | 5.50 - 6.56 | /usr/bin | 55.6k - 839k |
FRITZ!Box 3490 (main) | 6.20 - 7.30 | /usr/bin | 52.8k - 839k |
FRITZ!Box Fon ata | 3.23 - 4.28 | /usr/bin | 230k - 314k |
FRITZ!Box Fon ata 1020 | 3.23 - 4.28 | /usr/bin | 230k - 314k |
FRITZ!Box 4020 | /usr/bin | 55.5k - 829k | |
FRITZ!Box 4040 | 6.52 - 8.00 | /usr/bin | 48.0k - 73.9k |
FRITZ!Box 4050 | 7.58 - 7.90 | /usr/bin | 73.7k - 77.9k |
FRITZ!Box 4060 | 7.29 - 7.90 | /usr/bin | 73.5k - 73.9k |
FRITZ!Box Fon | 1.120 - 4.49 | /usr/bin | 215k - 398k |
FRITZ!Box Fon 5010 | 3.88 - 4.43 | /usr/bin | 252k - 398k |
FRITZ!Box Fon 5012 | 3.88 - 4.27 | /usr/bin | 252k - 398k |
FRITZ!Box Fon 5050 | 3.23 - 4.31 | /usr/bin | 230k - 398k |
FRITZ!Box Fon 5113 | 4.82 - 4.83 | /usr/bin | 429k |
FRITZ!Box Fon 5124 | 4.47 - 4.77 | /usr/bin | 347k - 499k |
FRITZ!Box Fon 5140 | 4.25 - 4.67 | /usr/bin | 268k - 398k |
VoIP Gateway 5188 | 4.28 - 4.81 | /usr/bin | 276k - 420k |
FRITZ!Box 5490 (main) | 6.51 - 7.29 | /usr/bin | 55.6k - 81.0k |
FRITZ!Box 5491 (main) | 7.01 - 7.29 | /usr/bin | 68.4k - 81.0k |
FRITZ!Box 5530 Fiber (main) | 7.21 - 8.00 | /usr/bin | 76.7k - 81.9k |
FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber (main) | 7.29 - 8.00 | /usr/bin | 73.5k - 73.9k |
FRITZ!Box 5690 Pro (main) | 7.62 | /usr/bin | 73.6k |
FRITZ!Box 6320 Cable v1 | 6.03 - 6.04 | /usr/bin | 574k - 576k |
FRITZ!Box 6320 Cable v2 | 6.21 | /usr/bin | 617k |
FRITZ!Box 6340 Cable | 5.24 | /usr/bin | 441k |
FRITZ!Box 6360 Cable | 4.85 - 6.51 | /usr/bin | 50.3k - 576k |
FRITZ!Box 6430 Cable (atom) | 6.84 - 7.29 | /usr/bin | 55.8k - 73.5k |
FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable (arm) | 6.20 - 6.64 | /usr/bin | 50.3k - 633k |
FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable (atom) | 6.83 - 7.51 | /usr/bin | 55.6k - 85.7k |
FRITZ!Box 6590 Cable (atom) | 6.83 - 7.51 | /usr/bin | 55.6k - 85.7k |
FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (arm) | 7.04 - 7.08 | /usr/bin | 64.5k - 73.6k |
FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (atom) | 7.04 - 8.00 | /usr/bin | 64.5k - 93.9k |
FRITZ!Box 6660 Cable (atom) | 7.14 - 8.00 | /usr/bin | 67.2k - 93.9k |
FRITZ!Box 6670 Cable (atom) | 7.61 - 7.90 | /usr/bin | 85.9k - 86.1k |
FRITZ!Box 6690 Cable (atom) | 7.28 - 7.90 | /usr/bin | 77.6k - 93.9k |
FRITZ!Box 6810 LTE | 6.35 | /usr/bin | 630k - 830k |
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v1 (main) | 6.40 - 7.59 | /usr/bin | 52.6k - 81.6k |
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v2 (main) | 6.40 - 7.59 | /usr/bin | 52.6k - 81.6k |
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v3 (main) | 7.19 - 7.57 | /usr/bin | 76.7k - 81.6k |
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v4 | 7.59 | /usr/bin | 81.6k |
FRITZ!Box 6840 LTE (main) | 5.08 - 6.88 | /usr/bin | 55.6k - 839k |
FRITZ!Box 6842 LTE | /usr/bin | 700k - 828k | |
FRITZ!Box 6850 LTE | 7.21 - 7.90 | /usr/bin | 69.6k - 80.8k |
FRITZ!Box 6850 5G | 7.24 - 7.90 | /usr/bin | 69.6k - 73.9k |
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE (main) | 6.84 - 7.57 | /usr/bin | 59.8k - 81.4k |
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE v1 (main) | 6.84 - 7.57 | /usr/bin | 59.8k - 81.4k |
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE v2 (main) | 6.84 - 7.57 | /usr/bin | 59.8k - 81.4k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN | 3.14 - 4.49 | /usr/bin | 230k - 398k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7050 | 3.29 - 4.50 | /usr/bin | 230k - 398k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7112 | 4.76 - 4.88 | /usr/bin | 429k - 499k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7113 | 4.40 - 4.86 | /usr/bin | 264k - 429k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7113 DE | 4.40 - 4.77 | /usr/bin | 264k - 354k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7113 INT | 4.82 - 4.86 | /usr/bin | 429k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7140 | 4.02 - 4.77 | /usr/bin | 256k - 499k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7141 | 4.14 - 4.77 | /usr/bin | 264k - 499k |
FRITZ!Fon 7150 | 4.27 - 4.77 | /usr/bin | 280k - 440k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 | 3.96 - 4.99 | /usr/bin | 256k - 499k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 v1 | 3.96 - 4.99 | /usr/bin | 256k - 499k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 v2 | 3.96 - 4.99 | /usr/bin | 256k - 499k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7240 | 4.65 - 6.06 | /usr/bin | 416k - 772k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v1 | 4.44 - 4.99 | /usr/bin | 338k - 528k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v2 | 4.67 - 6.06 | /usr/bin | 416k - 772k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v3 | 4.76 - 6.06 | /usr/bin | 420k - 772k |
FRITZ!Box 7272 (main) | 5.55 - 6.88 | /usr/bin | 55.6k - 834k |
FRITZ!Box 7312 | 5.23 - 6.56 | /usr/bin | 55.6k - 832k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7320 | 4.85 - 6.35 | /usr/bin | 496k - 834k |
FRITZ!Box 7330 | 5.06 - 6.56 | /usr/bin | 55.6k - 834k |
FRITZ!Box 7330 SL | 5.08 - 6.56 | /usr/bin | 55.6k - 832k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7340 | 4.83 - 5.05 | /usr/bin | 430k - 843k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 SL | 5.04 - 6.34 | /usr/bin | 504k - 839k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 v1 | 5.06 - 6.36 | /usr/bin | 530k - 839k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 v2 | 5.22 - 6.88 | /usr/bin | 55.6k - 839k |
FRITZ!Box 7362 SL (main) | 5.53 - 7.18 | /usr/bin | 55.6k - 832k |
FRITZ!Box 7369 (main) | 6.30 - 6.32 | /usr/bin | 834k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7390 | 4.81 - 5.22 | /usr/bin | 53.7k - 843k |
FRITZ!Box 7412 (main) | 6.21 - 6.88 | /usr/bin | 55.6k - 832k |
FRITZ!Box 7430 (main) | 6.26 - 7.31 | /usr/bin | 55.6k - 837k |
FRITZ!Box 7490 (main) | 5.57 - 7.51 | /usr/bin | 47.6k - 839k |
FRITZ!Box 7510 | 7.30 - 8.00 | /usr/bin | 73.5k - 73.9k |
FRITZ!Box 7520 | 6.98 - 8.00 | /usr/bin | 56.5k - 73.9k |
FRITZ!Box 7520 v2 (main) | 7.30 - 8.00 | /usr/bin | 73.6k - 73.9k |
FRITZ!Box 7530 | 6.98 - 8.00 | /usr/bin | 56.4k - 73.9k |
FRITZ!Box 7530 AX | 7.20 - 8.00 | /usr/bin | 69.7k - 73.9k |
FRITZ!Box 7560 (main) | 6.51 - 7.30 | /usr/bin | 56.7k - 80.8k |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7570 vDSL | 4.70 - 4.94 | /usr/bin | 429k - 529k |
FRITZ!Box 7580 (main) | 6.53 - 7.30 | /usr/bin | 56.7k - 80.8k |
FRITZ!Box 7581 | 6.54 - 7.18 | /usr/bin | 48.9k - 65.7k |
FRITZ!Box 7582 | 7.15 - 7.18 | /usr/bin | 49.1k - 65.7k |
FRITZ!Box 7583 (main) | 7.01 - 7.59 | /usr/bin | 66.1k - 81.4k |
FRITZ!Box 7583 VDSL (main) | 7.19 - 8.00 | /usr/bin | 76.6k - 81.9k |
FRITZ!Box 7590 (main) | 6.83 - 8.00 | /usr/bin | 59.8k - 81.9k |
FRITZ!Box 7590 AX (main) | 7.19 - 8.00 | /usr/bin | 72.9k - 81.9k |
FRITZ!Box 7690 | 7.61 - 7.90 | /usr/bin | 73.6k - 73.9k |
FRITZ!Smart Gateway | 7.52 - 7.63 | /usr/bin | 53.6k |
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater N/G | 4.65 - 4.88 | /usr/bin | 284k - 316k |
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 300E | 5.01 - 6.34 | /usr/bin | 408k - 750k |
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 310 A | 5.24 - 7.16 | /usr/bin | 48.6k - 749k |
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 310 B | 6.30 - 7.16 | /usr/bin | 48.3k - 744k |
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 450E | 6.00 - 7.15 | /usr/bin | 48.6k - 749k |
FRITZ!Repeater 600 | 7.11 - 7.58 | /usr/bin | 52.8k - 60.5k |
FRITZ!Repeater 600 v2 | 7.27 - 7.58 | /usr/bin | 52.8k - 60.5k |
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 1160 | 6.51 - 7.15 | /usr/bin | 48.3k - 60.0k |
FRITZ!Repeater 1200 | 7.11 - 7.58 | /usr/bin | 53.5k - 61.6k |
FRITZ!Repeater 1200 AX | 7.30 - 7.58 | /usr/bin | 53.6k - 61.5k |
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 1750E | 6.12 - 7.32 | /usr/bin | 48.6k - 766k |
FRITZ!Repeater 2400 | 7.12 - 7.58 | /usr/bin | 52.6k - 60.5k |
FRITZ!Repeater 3000 | 6.98 - 7.58 | /usr/bin | 47.4k - 61.6k |
FRITZ!Repeater 3000 AX | 7.41 - 7.58 | /usr/bin | 53.6k - 53.7k |
FRITZ!Repeater 6000 | 7.19 - 7.58 | /usr/bin | 53.6k - 61.5k |
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater DVB-C | 6.12 - 7.04 | /usr/bin | 48.6k - 766k |
FRITZ!Powerline 540E | 5.58 - 7.15 | /usr/bin | 48.6k - 749k |
FRITZ!Powerline 546E | 5.50 - 7.15 | /usr/bin | 48.6k - 749k |
FRITZ!Powerline 1240 AX | 7.57 - 7.58 | /usr/bin | 53.6k - 53.7k |
FRITZ!Powerline 1240E | 6.33 - 7.16 | /usr/bin | 48.3k - 744k |
FRITZ!Powerline 1260E | 6.90 - 7.58 | /usr/bin | 47.1k - 61.6k |
FRITZ!Powerline 1260 | 7.27 - 7.58 | /usr/bin | 53.7k - 61.6k |
congstar DSL-Box | 4.25 - 4.81 | /usr/bin | 220k - 340k |
congstar komplett Box | 4.68 - 4.81 | /usr/bin | 306k - 324k |
Speedport W 501V | 3.93 - 4.38 | /usr/bin | 193k - 304k |
Speedport W 503V | 4.68 - 4.81 | /usr/bin | 306k - 324k |
Speedport W 503V MK | 4.79 | /usr/bin | 429k |
Speedport W 504V MK | 5.04 | /usr/bin | 493k |
Speedport W 701V | 4.25 - 4.81 | /usr/bin | 220k - 340k |
Speedport W 721V | 4.74 - 4.75 | /usr/bin | 309k |
Speedport W 722V | 4.76 - 4.79 | /usr/bin | 305k |
Speedport W 900V | 4.21 - 4.57 | /usr/bin | 258k - 340k |
Speedport W 920V | 4.78 - 4.79 | /usr/bin | 322k |
Speedport W 101 Bridge | 4.68 | /usr/bin | 242k |
Eumex 300 IP | 3.29 - 4.44 | /usr/bin | 225k - 230k |
Alice IAD 5130 | 4.65 - 4.71 | /usr/bin | 250k |
Alice IAD WLAN 3331 | 4.90 | /usr/bin | 336k |
Alice IAD 7570 vDSL | 4.86 - 5.09 | /usr/bin | 318k - 321k |
151 models use this command |
Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-02-26 08:12 GMT.
Firmware | Symbol |
1.120 - 3.71 | AR7Cfg_Provider::Apply |
1.120 - 3.71 | AR7Cfg_Provider::DoAction |
1.120 - 3.71 | AR7Cfg_Provider::Undo |
1.120 - 3.71 | AR7Cfg_Provider_Register |
2.76 | AR7Events_Check_InvalidatedByOtherProcess |
2.76 | AR7Events_DeleteAll |
2.76 | AR7Events_Exit |
2.76 | AR7Events_GetFirst |
2.76 | AR7Events_GetID |
2.76 | AR7Events_GetNext |
2.76 | AR7Events_IsValid |
2.76 | AR7Events_Lock |
2.76 | AR7Events_Provider_FindFirstMatchingSubNode |
2.76 | AR7Events_Provider_FindNextMatchingSibling |
2.76 | AR7Events_Provider_GetAttribValue |
2.76 | AR7Events_Provider_Register |
2.76 | AR7Events_Provider_Unregister |
2.76 | AR7Events_Unlock |
5.07 - 6.36 | AVM_PA_Register |
4.44 - 6.06 | AllocDslStatistic |
1.120 - 6.06 | AllocForwardRule |
1.120 - 6.06 | AllocLease |
4.44 - 6.06 | AllocMcast |
4.44 - 6.06 | AllocRoute |
3.42 - 4.04 | Alternate |
6.25 - 6.30 | App_DeleteApp |
6.25 - 6.30 | App_FindNumericIdByStringId |
4.80 - 6.36 | ApplyModeChanged |
6.25 - 6.30 | Apps_BoxUser_changed_notify |
6.25 - 6.30 | Apps_Register |
6.25 - 6.30 | Apps_RegisterApp |
6.25 - 6.30 | Apps_Username_inuse |
4.12 - 4.33 | ArcorVoiceAssi_ACSResult |
4.12 - 4.33 | ArcorVoiceAssi_Exit |
4.12 - 4.33 | ArcorVoiceAssi_Init |
4.12 - 4.33 | ArcorVoiceAssi_IsRunning |
5.04 - 6.36 | AssignIP46Addr |
5.04 - 6.36 | AvailableCountries |
3.42 - 4.04 | BeginForEveryCALL_LIST |
3.42 - 4.04 | BeginForEveryEVENT_LIST |
3.42 - 4.04 | BeginForEveryONLINE |
3.42 - 4.99 | BeginIfNotShowVoip |
3.42 - 4.04 | BeginIfShowCharge |
3.85 - 4.04 | BeginIfShowEventlist |
3.42 - 4.04 | BeginIfShowFon |
3.85 - 4.04 | BeginIfShowNightTimeControl |
3.42 - 4.04 | BeginIfShowVoip |
3.85 - 4.04 | BeginIfShowWLAN |
5.07 - 6.36 | BoolEq |
5.50 - 6.36 | BoxUserRegularCfgUserWithNameOrEmailExists |
5.58 - 6.36 | BoxUserRemoveVpnAccess |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsersAllModulesInitialized |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsersCreateCompatibilityModeUser |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsersCreateSkipAuthFromHomenetworkUser |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsersDeleteInternalFileLinkDirectoryBoxUser |
5.50 - 6.36 | BoxUsersEnabledRemoteAccessUserWithPasswdExists |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsersEnterInternalFileLinkDirectoryBoxUser |
5.50 - 6.36 | BoxUsersEnterRemoteAccessUser |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsersGetCompatibilityModePassword |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsersIsCompatibilityMode |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsersIsInternalBoxUserName |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsersIsInternalFileLinkDirectoryBoxUserName |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsersIsSkipAuthFromHomenetwork |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsersIsValidEmail |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsersIsValidPassword |
6.25 - 6.34 | BoxUsersIsValidUsername |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsersMakeValidUserName |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsersSetCompatibilityModePassword |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsersWebvarViewFindByID |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsersWebvarViewFindByName |
5.53 - 6.36 | BoxUsers_AdjustEnclosedRights |
6.25 - 6.36 | BoxUsers_Credentials_inuse |
6.25 - 6.34 | BoxUsers_GetUID_by_UserID |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsers_LoginJournal_LoggedIn |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsers_Register |
6.25 - 6.34 | BoxUsers_Username_inuse |
5.58 - 6.36 | BoxUsers_get_password_forgotten_userid |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsers_get_tr064_nas |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsers_get_tr064_remote_access_username |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsers_get_tr069_remote_access_username |
6.25 - 6.30 | BoxUsers_has_internet_rights |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsers_make_tr069_remote_access_username |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsers_set_tr064_nas |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsers_set_tr064_remote_access |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsers_set_tr069_remote_access_password |
5.29 - 6.36 | BoxUsers_set_tr069_remote_access_username |
6.25 - 6.34 | BoxUsers_write_etc_passwd_and_users_map |
6.25 - 6.34 | BoxUsers_write_users_acl_stub |
5.01 - 6.36 | CFGTakeover_Register |
1.120 - 3.71 | CKeyHashtab::Add |
1.120 - 3.71 | CKeyHashtab::CKeyHashtab |
1.120 - 3.71 | CKeyHashtab::Delete |
1.120 - 3.71 | CKeyHashtab::DeleteAll |
1.120 - 3.71 | CKeyHashtab::Find |
1.120 - 3.71 | CKeyHashtab::FirstKey |
1.120 - 3.71 | CKeyHashtab::MakeUniqueKey |
1.120 - 3.71 | CKeyHashtab::NextKey |
1.120 - 3.71 | CKeyHashtab::findkey |
1.120 - 3.71 | CKeyHashtab::keyhashval |
1.120 - 3.71 | CKeyHashtab::~CKeyHashtab |
6.20 - 6.36 | CRateLimiter::CRateLimiter |
6.20 - 6.36 | CRateLimiter::Config |
6.20 - 6.36 | CRateLimiter::ConfigDelayed |
6.20 - 6.36 | CRateLimiter::DelayTimeout |
6.20 - 6.36 | CRateLimiter::ResetPending |
6.20 - 6.36 | CRateLimiter::Timeout |
6.20 - 6.36 | CRateLimiter::TooManyEvents |
6.20 - 6.36 | CRateLimiter::~CRateLimiter |
1.120 - 3.71 | CStringHashtab::Add |
1.120 - 3.71 | CStringHashtab::CStringHashtab |
1.120 - 3.71 | CStringHashtab::Delete |
1.120 - 3.71 | CStringHashtab::DeleteAll |
1.120 - 3.71 | CStringHashtab::Find |
1.120 - 3.71 | CStringHashtab::FirstKey |
1.120 - 3.71 | CStringHashtab::NextKey |
1.120 - 3.71 | CStringHashtab::findkey |
1.120 - 3.71 | CStringHashtab::stringhashval |
1.120 - 3.71 | CStringHashtab::~CStringHashtab |
5.53 - 6.36 | CallUI_FreeString |
5.53 - 6.36 | CallUI_GetName |
5.53 - 6.36 | CallUI_GetValue |
5.53 - 6.36 | CallUI_SetValue |
5.01 - 6.36 | CallUI_getNode |
5.01 - 6.36 | CallUI_get_UIModule_AndLockWithWait |
3.73 - 4.99 | Call_AOLVoIP_Autodetect_WaitFor |
3.85 - 4.99 | Call_AOLVoIP_Autodetect_WaitForWithoutAbort |
3.73 - 4.99 | Call_Sip_ATA_InternetModeChanged |
4.48 - 4.99 | Call_Sip_RunAOLVoIPAutodetect |
3.73 - 4.99 | Call_Sip_RunAOLVoIPAutodetet |
1.120 - 3.71 | CanonPathString_AddSubNode |
1.120 - 3.71 | CanonPathString_GetLeafPos |
1.120 - 3.71 | CanonPathString_SubstLeafNode |
1.120 - 3.71 | CanonPathString_SubstLeafPos |
4.48 - 6.36 | Capiotcp_Register |
1.120 - 3.80 | Capture_ApplyChanges |
1.120 - 3.80 | Capture_CreateSubNode |
1.120 - 3.80 | Capture_DeleteNode |
1.120 - 3.80 | Capture_Exit |
1.120 - 3.80 | Capture_FindFirstSubNode |
1.120 - 3.80 | Capture_FindNextSibling |
1.120 - 3.80 | Capture_FreeNodeRef |
1.120 - 3.80 | Capture_FreeString |
1.120 - 3.80 | Capture_GetName |
1.120 - 3.80 | Capture_GetPosition |
1.120 - 3.80 | Capture_GetValue |
1.120 - 3.80 | Capture_Init |
1.120 - 6.36 | Capture_Register |
1.120 - 3.80 | Capture_SetValue |
5.07 - 6.36 | CertgenGetCommonNameAndSubjectAltNames |
5.07 - 6.36 | CertgenMakeStringlistFromAvmsslSubjectAltNames |
4.85 - 5.08 | CfgChange_Pending |
1.120 - 3.71 | CfgFile_Provider::Init |
1.120 - 3.71 | CfgFile_Provider::Load |
1.120 - 3.71 | CfgFile_Provider::Save |
1.120 - 3.71 | CfgMem_Provider::CreateNode |
1.120 - 3.71 | CfgMem_Provider::DeleteNode |
1.120 - 3.71 | CfgMem_Provider::FindFirstMatchingSubNode |
1.120 - 3.71 | CfgMem_Provider::FindNextMatchingSibling |
1.120 - 3.71 | CfgMem_Provider::GetAttribValue |
1.120 - 3.71 | CfgMem_Provider::SetAttribValue |
4.68 - 4.71 | Check4EmergencyRule |
3.42 - 6.36 | CheckMailerStatus |
4.61 - 6.36 | CheckUnloadDSLDriver |
3.14 - 6.36 | ConnectionCheck_GetStatus |
3.14 - 6.36 | ConnectionCheck_Poll |
3.14 - 6.36 | ConnectionCheck_Start |
3.14 - 6.36 | ConnectionCheck_Stop |
3.42 - 6.36 | Country_Register |
6.10 - 6.34 | CreateAutoName |
3.23 - 6.36 | DDNS_Register |
1.120 - 6.36 | DHCPD_Register |
5.07 - 6.36 | DNSCFG_Register |
4.86 - 6.36 | DNSExceptedDomains_Register |
5.06 - 6.36 | DeInitProviderMap |
4.61 - 6.06 | DeleteFromLandevices |
3.73 - 6.06 | DeleteFromStringlist |
5.53 - 6.36 | DeleteMyFritzServices |
1.120 - 3.71 | DeleteNodePtr |
3.73 - 6.36 | DeleteVCC |
4.80 - 6.36 | DisableRouting |
5.07 - 6.36 | DnsServer_Register |
4.38 - 4.99 | DslMail_Register |
4.44 - 6.36 | DslStatistic_Register |
4.44 - 6.36 | Dslstatglobal_Register |
3.42 - 6.36 | Emailnotify_Register |
2.76 | EmitNewerEventsBeforeThis |
4.80 - 6.36 | EnableRouting |
3.42 - 4.04 | EndForEveryCALL_LIST |
3.42 - 4.04 | EndForEveryEVENT_LIST |
3.42 - 4.04 | EndForEveryONLINE |
5.01 - 5.08 | Enter |
1.120 - 3.71 | EnterNodePtr |
4.56 - 6.36 | EtherWake |
4.03 - 4.99 | EvalBoolExpr |
2.76 | EventGetAttribValue |
2.76 | EventMemberGetAttribValue |
2.76 | Event_FindTranslatedFormatString |
4.28 - 6.36 | Event_MakeDisplayText |
4.85 - 5.04 | ExportBoxInfoXML |
4.30 - 6.36 | FindDSLIfaceByName |
1.120 - 3.71 | FindFirstMatchingSubNode |
3.73 - 6.36 | FindInternetDSLIface |
3.73 - 6.36 | FindInternetTarget |
3.61 - 6.36 | FindInternetVCC |
6.10 - 6.34 | FindLanDeviceByIP |
6.10 - 6.34 | FindLanDeviceByIP4 |
6.10 - 6.34 | FindLanDeviceByMAC |
6.10 - 6.34 | FindLanDeviceByName |
6.10 - 6.30 | FindLanDeviceByNeighbourName |
1.120 - 3.71 | FindNextMatchingSibling |
5.04 - 6.36 | FindNodeByCanonicalPath |
4.80 - 6.36 | FindQosBridgeByName |
3.73 - 6.36 | FindTargetByName |
4.30 - 6.36 | FindVCCByName |
4.48 - 6.36 | FindVoipDSLIface |
4.48 - 6.36 | FindVoipTarget |
4.48 - 6.36 | FindVoipVCC |
6.04 - 6.36 | FixGuestBridgeInterfaces |
5.55 - 6.06 | FixPrivateKeyAsync |
6.20 | ForwardRules_ATOMIPv4Changed |
1.120 - 5.09 | ForwardRules_ApplyChanges |
5.27 - 6.06 | ForwardRules_CheckForInternalConflict |
6.10 - 6.34 | ForwardRules_Check_TR069_Port |
5.27 - 6.36 | ForwardRules_Close_MyFritz_DeviceService_TCP_Port |
1.120 - 5.09 | ForwardRules_CreateSubNode |
4.61 - 6.36 | ForwardRules_DeleteIP |
1.120 - 5.09 | ForwardRules_DeleteNode |
6.10 - 6.36 | ForwardRules_DisableIllegalForwardRules |
6.20 - 6.34 | ForwardRules_DisableIllegalForwardRulesDelay |
1.120 - 5.09 | ForwardRules_Exit |
1.120 - 4.99 | ForwardRules_FindFirstSubNode |
1.120 - 4.99 | ForwardRules_FindNextSibling |
1.120 - 5.09 | ForwardRules_FreeNodeRef |
1.120 - 5.09 | ForwardRules_FreeString |
4.55 - 6.36 | ForwardRules_GetFirstForwardIP |
1.120 - 5.09 | ForwardRules_GetName |
4.55 - 6.36 | ForwardRules_GetNextForwardIP |
1.120 - 5.09 | ForwardRules_GetPosition |
1.120 - 5.09 | ForwardRules_GetValue |
1.120 - 5.09 | ForwardRules_Init |
4.52 - 6.36 | ForwardRules_IsActivateInternalFTPForwardPossible |
4.55 - 6.36 | ForwardRules_IsActivateInternalHTTPSForwardPossible |
6.10 - 6.36 | ForwardRules_IsActiveInternalForward |
5.50 - 5.57 | ForwardRules_IsLocalTCPPortForwarded |
5.50 - 5.57 | ForwardRules_IsPublicTCPPortForwarded |
5.50 - 6.36 | ForwardRules_Is_MyFritz_DeviceService_TCP_Port_Open |
5.27 - 6.36 | ForwardRules_Open_MyFritz_DeviceService_TCP_Port |
5.01 - 6.06 | ForwardRules_ReduceConfigFileToInternalRules |
1.120 - 6.36 | ForwardRules_Register |
5.53 - 5.57 | ForwardRules_RemovePublicTCPPortsFromNumberset |
1.120 - 5.09 | ForwardRules_SetValue |
4.03 - 6.36 | ForwardRules_ToggleInternalFTPForward |
4.38 - 6.36 | ForwardRules_ToggleInternalHTTPSForward |
6.20 | ForwardRules_ToggleInternalHTTPSForwardForATOM |
1.120 - 5.09 | ForwardRules_TransactionBegin |
1.120 - 5.09 | ForwardRules_TransactionCommitFinal |
1.120 - 5.09 | ForwardRules_TransactionCommitVerify |
1.120 - 5.09 | ForwardRules_TransactionRollback |
6.10 - 6.35 | Forwardrules_StaticNetsChanged |
5.01 - 6.06 | FreeBridgeList |
5.01 - 6.06 | FreeClassifierList |
4.44 - 6.06 | FreeDslStatistic |
1.120 - 6.06 | FreeForwardRule |
4.61 - 5.09 | FreeLanDevice |
1.120 - 6.06 | FreeLease |
4.44 - 6.06 | FreeMcast |
5.01 - 6.06 | FreeQueueList |
4.44 - 6.06 | FreeRoute |
5.01 - 6.06 | FreeStatList |
5.50 - 6.06 | FreeVPNConn |
6.10 - 6.36 | FritzappurlAdd |
6.10 - 6.36 | FritzappurlAlloc |
6.10 - 6.36 | FritzappurlFree |
6.10 - 6.36 | FritzappurlUpdateListe |
6.10 - 6.36 | Fritzappurls_Register |
5.07 - 6.36 | Fritzinfo_Register |
4.31 - 6.36 | GetATMQoSConfig |
5.27 - 6.36 | GetAddrOfAHAUSRCFG_config |
3.73 - 6.36 | GetAddrOfAR7CFG_config |
4.06 - 6.36 | GetAddrOfTR069CFG_config |
3.73 - 6.36 | GetAddrOfVOIPCFG_config |
3.73 - 4.99 | GetAddrOfWLANCFG_config |
6.25 - 6.34 | GetBitByMask |
3.23 - 6.36 | GetBool |
5.58 - 6.36 | GetBoolIfBoxAdmin |
5.05 - 6.36 | GetConfigChangeCounter |
4.80 - 6.36 | GetCurrentCountry |
5.01 - 6.36 | GetCurrentFirmwareVersion |
4.80 - 6.36 | GetCurrentLanguage |
4.44 - 6.36 | GetCurrentPublicInternetIPAddress |
5.07 - 6.36 | GetCurrentPublicInternetIPv6Address |
4.76 - 6.36 | GetDSLIface_dsl_encap |
5.04 - 6.36 | GetDSLIface_enable |
4.76 - 6.36 | GetDSLIface_vlanencap |
4.76 - 6.36 | GetDSLIface_vlanid |
4.76 - 6.36 | GetDSLIface_vlanprio |
4.80 - 6.36 | GetEffectiveAnnex |
3.23 - 6.36 | GetFirmwareVersion |
6.10 - 6.34 | GetFirstIP4 |
5.27 - 6.36 | GetINAddr |
4.80 - 6.36 | GetIP6Addr |
4.80 - 6.36 | GetIP6InterfaceID |
4.80 - 6.36 | GetIP6InterfaceID_DC |
4.28 - 6.36 | GetIPAddr |
4.31 - 6.36 | GetIPAddrEmptyIfZero |
5.06 - 6.36 | GetIPv4NetworkOrderFromIP46Addr |
5.06 - 6.36 | GetIPv6FromIP46Addr |
1.120 - 6.36 | GetInt |
5.29 - 6.36 | GetIntIfBoxAdmin |
3.93 - 6.36 | GetLastMailerStatus |
6.25 - 6.34 | GetListUnknownDeviceName |
4.28 - 4.31 | GetMACAddr |
4.30 - 6.36 | GetMACAddr_LowerCase |
4.30 - 6.36 | GetMACAddr_UpperCase |
4.55 - 6.36 | GetMACAddr_UpperCaseNoZero |
4.80 - 6.36 | GetOperationMode |
3.23 - 6.36 | GetPassword |
1.120 - 6.06 | GetPortFromForwardRule |
5.01 - 6.36 | GetProviderIdByUsername |
4.55 - 6.36 | GetShort |
1.120 - 6.36 | GetString |
5.58 - 6.36 | GetStringIfBoxAdmin |
5.04 - 6.36 | GetUnsigned |
4.56 - 6.36 | GetUnsignedChar |
5.58 - 6.36 | GetUnsignedShort |
4.30 - 6.36 | GetVCC_Config |
5.50 - 6.36 | GetVPNConnections |
5.06 - 6.36 | GetValidProviderConfigs |
3.73 - 6.36 | Get_AR7CFG_dslencap_enum |
4.76 - 6.36 | Get_AR7CFG_vlanencap_enum |
6.20 - 6.34 | Get_ConnectionRequestPort |
4.80 - 6.36 | GuestAtStartup |
4.96 - 5.09 | HansenetCheckTechnicalKey |
4.65 - 5.09 | HansenetPin_Register |
4.65 - 5.09 | HansenetVoiceAssi_Exit |
4.65 - 5.09 | HansenetVoiceAssi_Init |
4.65 - 5.09 | HansenetVoiceAssi_IsRunning |
4.65 - 5.09 | Hansenet_PINKnown |
5.06 - 6.36 | HashTable_Add |
5.06 - 6.36 | HashTable_CalcIndex |
5.06 - 6.36 | HashTable_Create |
5.06 - 6.36 | HashTable_Delete |
5.06 - 6.36 | HashTable_DeleteAll |
5.06 - 6.36 | HashTable_Destroy |
5.06 - 6.36 | HashTable_Find |
5.06 - 6.36 | HashTable_Find_WithItem |
5.06 - 6.36 | HashTable_First |
5.06 - 6.36 | HashTable_Next |
5.06 - 6.36 | HashTable_NextOfEntry |
6.10 - 6.36 | Hotspotgre_Register |
6.20 - 6.34 | HttpAuthClient::HttpAuthClient |
6.20 - 6.34 | HttpAuthClient::~HttpAuthClient |
5.04 - 6.36 | IP46Addr2str |
5.04 - 6.36 | IP46Addr_set_csock_sockaddr |
4.80 - 6.36 | IPV6Firewall_Register |
4.80 - 6.36 | IPV6_Register |
5.27 - 6.36 | IPv6Firewall_Close_MyFritz_DeviceService_TCP_Port |
4.80 - 6.36 | IPv6Firewall_DeleteNeighbour |
5.50 - 6.36 | IPv6Firewall_Is_MyFritz_DeviceService_TCP_Port_Open |
5.50 - 6.36 | IPv6Firewall_Is_TCP_Port_Open |
5.27 - 6.36 | IPv6Firewall_Open_MyFritz_DeviceService_TCP_Port |
4.80 - 6.36 | IPv6Firewall_ToggleInternalFTPOpen |
4.80 - 6.36 | IPv6Firewall_ToggleInternalHTTPSOpen |
6.20 | IPv6Firewall_ToggleInternalHTTPSOpenForATOM |
5.27 - 6.36 | IPv6Firewall_ToggleInternalSpeedtestOpen |
4.86 - 6.36 | IPv6Firewall_ToggleInternalTR069Open |
4.03 - 6.36 | Igdforwardrules_Register |
3.61 - 6.36 | Inetstat_ForceUpdate |
1.133 - 6.36 | Inetstat_Poll |
1.133 - 6.36 | Inetstat_Register |
5.06 - 6.36 | InitProviderMap |
3.23 - 6.36 | Interfaces_GetFirstLocalIP |
3.23 - 6.36 | Interfaces_GetNextLocalIP |
1.133 - 6.36 | Interfaces_Register |
3.23 - 6.06 | Interfaces_TransactionBegin |
3.23 - 6.06 | Interfaces_TransactionCommitFinal |
3.23 - 6.06 | Interfaces_TransactionCommitVerify |
3.23 - 6.06 | Interfaces_TransactionRollback |
5.24 - 6.36 | Interfaces_UpdateValues |
6.10 - 6.36 | Interfaces_get_dhcp_range |
3.85 - 6.36 | Interfaces_get_main_ip_config |
3.93 - 4.31 | Interfaces_set_ifname_of_main_interface |
3.85 - 6.36 | Interfaces_set_main_ip_config |
5.09 - 6.36 | InvalidateChallenge |
3.61 - 6.36 | IsATAMode |
3.61 - 6.36 | IsAutomailEnabled |
3.73 - 6.36 | IsChangedScriptRunning |
3.14 - 6.36 | IsConfigChangePending |
4.80 - 6.36 | IsCountrySet |
3.42 - 6.36 | IsCountrySupported |
4.63 - 6.36 | IsDHCPNameOfWLANMACMaskDevice |
4.80 - 6.36 | IsGuestIPv4Conflict |
4.65 - 5.09 | IsHansenetBitstreamMode |
4.86 - 5.09 | IsHansenetVLANBitstreamMode |
5.04 - 6.36 | IsIP46AddrEqual |
4.28 - 6.36 | IsIPClientMode |
4.38 - 4.81 | IsIPOneBetriebsmodusChanged |
5.04 - 6.36 | IsIPv6IP46Addr |
5.58 - 6.36 | IsL2TPMaster |
4.80 - 6.36 | IsLanguageSet |
4.63 - 6.36 | IsLanguageSupported |
4.12 - 6.36 | IsManagedMode |
5.04 - 6.36 | IsMulticastIP46Addr |
4.07 - 6.36 | IsOEM |
4.85 - 6.36 | IsOperationModeWithUsername |
5.09 - 6.36 | IsPrivateIPv4Address |
5.06 - 6.36 | IsProviderActivationPending |
1.133 - 6.36 | IsRouterMode |
4.85 - 6.36 | IsSerialMode |
5.09 - 6.36 | IsSerialModeBackupEnabled |
3.14 - 6.36 | IsTransactionOpen |
4.12 - 6.36 | IsUIModule |
4.34 - 6.36 | IsUIUser |
1.120 - 4.99 | IsUnitedInternet |
3.23 - 6.36 | IsUsedAsForwardIP |
1.120 - 3.71 | IsValidNodePtr |
3.14 - 3.71 | IsWLANChangedScriptRunning |
5.04 - 6.36 | IsZeroIP46Addr |
5.07 - 6.36 | JasonII_Register |
6.10 - 6.36 | KillDelayed_UserCfg_SetDirty |
4.28 - 5.09 | LanDevice_ApplyChanges |
4.80 - 6.06 | LanDevice_CreateSubNode |
4.61 - 6.06 | LanDevice_DeleteNode |
4.28 - 6.06 | LanDevice_Exit |
4.28 - 6.06 | LanDevice_FindFirstSubNode |
4.80 - 6.36 | LanDevice_FindFreeDHCPAddr |
4.28 - 6.06 | LanDevice_FindNextSibling |
4.28 - 6.06 | LanDevice_FreeNodeRef |
4.28 - 6.06 | LanDevice_FreeString |
4.28 - 6.06 | LanDevice_GetName |
4.28 - 6.06 | LanDevice_GetPosition |
4.28 - 6.06 | LanDevice_GetValue |
4.28 - 6.06 | LanDevice_Init |
4.28 - 6.36 | LanDevice_Register |
4.28 - 6.06 | LanDevice_SetValue |
5.55 - 6.36 | Landevices_AddNewToList |
6.20 | Landevices_EnterPuma6ATOM |
5.23 - 6.36 | Landevices_EntryExistWithBothAddrs |
6.25 - 6.34 | Landevices_FreeLanDeviceExtList |
6.25 - 6.34 | Landevices_FritzOS_GetAutoUpdate |
6.25 - 6.34 | Landevices_FritzOS_SetAutoUpdate |
6.25 - 6.34 | Landevices_FritzOS_UpdateCheck_Start |
6.25 - 6.34 | Landevices_GetAllLanDevices |
5.55 - 6.36 | Landevices_GetByIP |
5.55 - 6.36 | Landevices_GetByIfid |
5.55 - 6.36 | Landevices_GetByMac |
6.10 - 6.36 | Landevices_GetByNeighbourName |
6.10 - 6.34 | Landevices_GetDeviceInfoByMac |
5.04 - 6.36 | Landevices_GetDeviceList |
5.06 - 6.36 | Landevices_GetIPv4ByMAC |
4.74 | Landevices_GetMACByIP |
5.06 - 6.36 | Landevices_GetMACByIPv4 |
4.74 - 6.36 | Landevices_GetMasquedMACByIP |
6.10 - 6.36 | Landevices_GetNameByINADDR |
4.78 - 6.36 | Landevices_GetNameByIP |
5.27 - 6.36 | Landevices_GetNameByIfaceid |
5.27 - 6.36 | Landevices_GetNameByNeighbourName |
5.58 - 6.36 | Landevices_GetNeighbourNameByIfaceid |
5.58 - 6.36 | Landevices_GetNeighbourNameByName |
6.20 | Landevices_GetPUMA6ATOM |
5.27 - 6.36 | Landevices_GetUIDByMyFritzDeviceUID |
5.07 - 6.36 | Landevices_GetWLANMACs |
5.07 - 6.36 | Landevices_IPv4NetworkGone |
6.25 - 6.34 | Landevices_IPv4_InUse |
5.27 - 6.36 | Landevices_IsAnyEthernetDeviceActive |
6.20 | Landevices_IsPUMA6ATOM |
5.09 - 5.24 | Landevices_IsSameClient |
4.74 - 6.36 | Landevices_Update |
4.57 - 6.36 | Landevices_UpdatedDHCPRange |
5.07 - 6.36 | Landevices_WakeupIP |
5.07 - 5.54 | Landevices_WakeupIPv6 |
4.78 - 4.97 | Landevices_neightransfer_complete |
6.25 - 6.30 | Landevices_upnp_do_update |
6.26 - 6.30 | Landevices_upnp_remove_upnp_pointer |
6.25 - 6.30 | Landevices_upnp_set_autoupdate |
5.58 - 6.34 | Landevices_upnp_start |
6.10 - 6.23 | Landevices_upnp_start_fbox |
6.25 - 6.34 | Landevices_upnp_start_hosts |
6.10 - 6.23 | Landevices_upnp_start_ipclient |
6.25 - 6.34 | Landevices_upnp_start_maclist |
6.10 - 6.23 | Landevices_upnp_start_plc |
6.25 - 6.34 | Landevices_upnp_start_updateservice |
5.58 - 6.34 | Landevices_upnp_stop |
6.10 - 6.23 | Landevices_upnp_stop_fbox |
6.25 - 6.34 | Landevices_upnp_stop_hosts |
6.10 - 6.23 | Landevices_upnp_stop_ipclient |
6.25 - 6.34 | Landevices_upnp_stop_maclist |
6.10 - 6.23 | Landevices_upnp_stop_plc |
6.25 - 6.34 | Landevices_upnp_stop_updateservice |
4.63 - 6.36 | Language_Register |
5.50 - 6.36 | Lisp_Register |
5.06 - 6.36 | ListFinit |
5.06 - 6.36 | ListInit |
5.06 - 6.36 | ListInsert |
5.09 - 6.36 | ListProvider_SetRemotemanPassword |
5.06 - 6.36 | ListRemove |
5.06 - 6.36 | ListSearch |
5.06 - 6.36 | ListSearchAndRemove |
5.06 - 6.36 | ListlinkInit |
2.76 | Localize_MakeParameterBlock |
2.76 | Localize_SubstFormats |
1.120 - 3.14 | Log |
1.120 - 3.14 | MD5Final |
1.120 - 3.14 | MD5Init |
1.120 - 3.14 | MD5Transform |
1.120 - 3.14 | MD5Update |
3.93 - 4.31 | MakeATAModeEthernetSwitchNames |
5.09 - 6.36 | MakeChallenge |
1.120 - 6.36 | MakeClientDisplayTimestamp |
5.55 - 6.36 | MakeClientDisplayTimestampAbsTime |
5.04 - 6.36 | MakeIP46AddrFromIP6ADDR |
5.04 - 6.36 | MakeIP46AddrFromIPADDR |
5.04 - 6.36 | MakeIP46AddrFromIPv4NetworkOrder |
5.04 - 6.36 | MakeIP46AddrFromIPv6 |
5.04 - 6.36 | MakeIP46AddrFromString |
5.04 - 6.36 | MakeIP46Addr_from_csock_sockaddr |
1.120 - 3.71 | MakeNewNodePtr |
4.80 - 6.36 | MakeOpenSSLConfigFile |
3.58 - 6.36 | MakeSizedTempString |
1.120 - 3.93 | MakeTempString |
6.25 - 6.34 | MarkNoAutoName |
5.27 - 6.36 | MyFritzDevice_Register |
5.27 - 6.36 | MyFritzDevices_Delete |
5.50 - 6.36 | MyFritzDevices_DeleteAllObsolete |
5.27 - 6.36 | MyFritzDevices_EnterAndGetUID |
5.27 - 6.36 | MyFritzDevices_GetUID |
5.27 - 6.36 | MyFritzDevices_LandeviceNameChanged |
5.27 - 6.36 | MyFritzDevices_SetLandeviceUID |
1.120 - 3.37 | My_ApplyChanges |
1.120 - 3.37 | My_CreateSubNode |
1.120 - 3.37 | My_DeleteNode |
1.120 - 3.37 | My_Exit |
1.120 - 3.37 | My_FindFirstSubNode |
1.120 - 3.37 | My_FindNextSibling |
1.120 - 3.37 | My_FreeNodeRef |
1.120 - 3.37 | My_FreeString |
1.120 - 3.37 | My_GetName |
1.120 - 3.37 | My_GetPosition |
1.120 - 3.37 | My_GetValue |
1.120 - 3.37 | My_Init |
1.120 - 3.37 | My_SetValue |
6.10 - 6.36 | Myfritzdevices_getfritzappurls |
4.70 - 6.06 | NQOS_Exit |
4.70 - 6.36 | NQOS_Register |
4.70 - 6.06 | NetApp_Exit |
6.10 - 6.34 | NetApp_LangDBChanged |
4.70 - 6.36 | NetApp_Register |
1.120 - 3.71 | NodePtrFindByCanonicalFullPathString |
3.42 - 6.36 | NumberOfSupportedCountries |
4.63 - 6.36 | NumberOfSupportedLanguages |
5.27 - 6.36 | OnCal_Register |
5.50 - 5.57 | OnDemandPortOpen_Exit |
5.50 - 5.57 | OnDemandPortOpen_GetLastIPv4ResultOfSid |
5.50 - 5.57 | OnDemandPortOpen_IPv4ForwardRulesChanged |
5.50 - 5.57 | OnDemandPortOpen_IPv6FirewallChanged |
5.50 - 5.57 | OnDemandPortOpen_Init |
5.50 - 5.57 | OnDemandPortOpen_OpenPortIPv4ForSid |
5.50 - 5.57 | OnDemandPortOpen_OpenPortIPv6ForSid |
6.10 - 6.36 | OpenPorts_Register |
6.10 - 6.36 | OpenPorts_Update |
4.80 - 6.36 | OperationModeFromString |
5.29 - 6.36 | OperationModeInit |
4.80 - 6.36 | OperationModeToString |
4.65 - 5.09 | Poll |
3.14 - 6.36 | Poll_CfgChange |
3.14 | Poll_Sntpcli |
4.28 - 6.36 | Power_Register |
3.73 - 6.36 | ProhibitVoipdRestart |
5.01 - 6.36 | ProviderId2friendlyname |
4.80 - 6.36 | Providerlist_Register |
4.85 | PutLanDeviceToDeletedList |
5.29 - 6.36 | Recalc_AssumeAllAccessFromHomenetwork |
6.10 - 6.36 | RemoteMan_BoxCertImport |
4.44 - 6.36 | RemoteMan_CheckForCertificateUpdate |
6.10 - 6.36 | RemoteMan_CheckForCertificateUpdateWithCallback |
6.25 - 6.30 | RemoteMan_EnableHTTPSAndGetPort |
6.10 - 6.36 | RemoteMan_GetActiveInternetHTTPSPort |
5.09 - 5.27 | RemoteMan_GetPassword |
4.38 - 6.36 | Remoteman_Register |
5.53 - 6.36 | RemoveManagementURL |
4.80 - 6.36 | RenumberGuests |
3.42 - 4.99 | ReplaceVariables |
3.42 - 4.99 | ReplaceVariablesIO |
3.42 - 4.04 | ResetAlternate |
6.10 - 6.36 | Route6_Register |
3.23 - 6.36 | Route_Register |
5.05 - 6.36 | SaveDirtyCfgFiles |
5.53 - 6.06 | SaveLanDeviceInFlash |
6.25 - 6.30 | Security_AppLogin_Test |
4.62 - 6.36 | Security_GetAndResetTransactionError |
4.44 - 6.36 | SetATAMode |
4.06 - 6.36 | SetATASubModeRouter |
4.31 - 6.36 | SetATMQoSConfig |
6.25 - 6.34 | SetBitByMask |
3.23 - 6.36 | SetBool |
4.76 - 4.99 | SetDSLIface_dsl_encap |
5.04 - 6.36 | SetDSLIface_enable |
4.76 - 6.36 | SetDSLIface_vlanencap |
4.76 - 6.36 | SetDSLIface_vlanid |
4.76 - 6.36 | SetDSLIface_vlanprio |
4.65 - 5.09 | SetHansenetBitstreamMode |
4.86 - 5.09 | SetHansenetVLANBitstreamMode |
5.27 - 6.36 | SetINAddr |
4.80 - 6.36 | SetIP6Addr |
4.28 - 6.36 | SetIPAddr |
4.38 - 4.81 | SetIPOneBetriebsmodusChange |
1.120 - 6.36 | SetInt |
6.25 - 6.34 | SetListUnknownDevicNameAsUnresolved |
4.80 - 6.36 | SetMACAddr |
5.27 - 6.06 | SetName |
4.80 - 6.36 | SetOperationMode |
3.23 - 6.36 | SetPassword |
5.09 - 6.36 | SetPasswordFromRemotemanPassword |
4.22 - 6.36 | SetPowerMode |
4.55 - 6.36 | SetShort |
5.50 - 6.06 | SetStatInVPNConnsList |
1.120 - 6.36 | SetString |
4.12 - 6.36 | SetTcomProvisioningBit |
1.120 - 3.14 | SetTime |
6.25 - 6.34 | SetUnsigned |
4.56 - 6.36 | SetUnsignedChar |
5.58 - 6.36 | SetUnsignedShort |
4.30 - 6.36 | SetVCC_Config |
4.30 - 6.36 | SetVCC_DSLAutodetect_On |
4.80 - 4.92 | SetWeekStatInt |
4.80 - 4.92 | SetWeekStatIntRates |
4.80 - 4.92 | SetWeekStatShort |
5.04 - 6.36 | SetZeroIP46Addr |
2.76 | SharedRingBuffer::AllocSpaceForLast |
2.76 | SharedRingBuffer::DeleteAll |
2.76 | SharedRingBuffer::GetEntry |
2.76 | SharedRingBuffer::GetEntryWithID |
2.76 | SharedRingBuffer::GetFirst |
2.76 | SharedRingBuffer::GetHeader |
2.76 | SharedRingBuffer::GetID |
2.76 | SharedRingBuffer::GetNext |
2.76 | SharedRingBuffer::IsValidPointer |
2.76 | SharedRingBuffer::Lock |
2.76 | SharedRingBuffer::O2P |
2.76 | SharedRingBuffer::SharedRingBuffer |
2.76 | SharedRingBuffer::Unlock |
2.76 | SharedRingBuffer::~SharedRingBuffer |
5.29 - 6.36 | ShowSessions |
3.42 - 4.99 | SkipTo |
4.47 - 4.99 | SortLanDevicesByIP |
1.120 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::CreateSubNode |
1.120 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::DeleteNode |
1.120 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::Exit |
5.06 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::FindFirstEntryWithUID |
1.120 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::FindFirstSubNode |
5.05 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::FindFirstSubNodeInternal |
4.86 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::FindFirstSubNodeWithMatch |
5.06 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::FindFirstSubNodeWithUIDMatch |
5.06 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::FindFirstSubNodeWithUIDMatchInternal |
1.120 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::FindNextSibling |
5.05 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::FindNextSiblingInternal |
4.86 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::FindNextSiblingWithMatch |
5.06 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::FindUIDMemberIndex |
1.120 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::FreeString |
1.120 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::FreeStructListNode |
1.120 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::GetName |
1.120 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::GetPosition |
1.120 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::GetValue |
1.120 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::Init |
5.29 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::IsReadAccess |
5.29 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::IsWriteAccess |
4.86 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::Match |
5.06 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::Rebuild_UID_Hashtab |
1.120 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::SetValue |
5.06 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::UpdateFastUIDMatch |
5.50 - 6.36 | StructListProvider::~StructListProvider |
5.01 - 6.36 | TR064_CheckSid |
4.34 - 6.36 | TR064_Exit |
4.80 - 5.04 | TR064_Getsid |
4.34 - 6.36 | TR064_Init |
4.65 - 4.90 | TR064_RegisterServices |
4.78 - 6.36 | TR064_Reinit |
4.34 - 6.36 | TR064_Resume |
4.38 - 6.36 | TR064_Running |
4.34 - 6.36 | TR064_Suspend |
4.06 - 6.36 | TR069Mapper_CtlmgrTransactionBegin |
4.06 - 6.36 | TR069Mapper_CtlmgrTransactionCommitted |
4.06 - 6.36 | TR069Mapper_CtlmgrTransactionRolledBack |
4.06 - 6.36 | TR069Mapper_IsCreateOrDeleteAllowed |
4.06 - 6.36 | TR069Mapper_IsWriteAccessAllowed |
4.06 - 6.36 | TR069Mapper_NotificationHint |
4.06 - 6.36 | TR069Mapper_ObjectAdded |
4.06 - 6.36 | TR069Mapper_ObjectDeleted |
4.06 - 6.36 | TR069Mapper_ValueChangedNotify |
4.28 - 6.36 | TR069_ACSInitiationEnable |
4.06 - 6.36 | TR069_Debug_Inject_SoapData |
3.93 - 6.36 | TR069_Exit |
4.55 - 6.36 | TR069_GetProvisioningSucceededURL |
4.28 - 6.36 | TR069_GetSerialNumber |
3.93 - 6.36 | TR069_Init |
4.63 - 6.36 | TR069_IsFWUpdate_avail |
4.28 - 6.36 | TR069_IsFullTR069Support |
4.38 - 6.36 | TR069_IsSessionActive |
4.28 - 6.36 | TR069_ReInit |
4.30 - 6.36 | TR069_Resume |
4.30 - 6.36 | TR069_SetConfigByDHCPOption |
6.20 - 6.21 | TR069_SetConfigByDocsis |
4.30 - 5.09 | TR069_SetLED |
4.34 - 6.36 | TR069_SetPPPFallback |
4.12 - 6.36 | TR069_SetSessionNotifier |
4.30 - 6.36 | TR069_Suspend |
4.12 - 6.36 | TR069_TriggerConnection |
4.63 - 6.36 | TR069_WLAN_AddStation_Notify |
6.25 - 6.34 | TR069_WiFi_deadpeer_gre_event |
4.74 - 6.36 | TR069_device_gateway_assoc |
4.80 - 6.36 | TR069_dhcpclass_notify |
1.120 - 6.36 | TiMsgProcessorRegister |
5.01 - 6.36 | TiMsg_free_extra_info |
4.80 - 6.36 | Time_GetInfo |
1.120 - 6.36 | Time_Register |
4.65 - 4.71 | Tr064_And_TR064_Init |
4.34 - 6.36 | Tr064_Register |
4.63 - 5.09 | Tr069_And_Tr064_Init |
4.06 - 6.36 | Tr069_Register |
4.61 - 6.36 | TrafficPrio_DeleteIP |
4.78 - 6.36 | TrafficPrio_DeleteRules |
4.44 - 6.06 | TrafficPrio_Exit |
6.10 - 6.34 | TrafficPrio_LangDBChanged |
4.44 - 6.36 | TrafficPrio_Register |
4.77 - 6.36 | TrafficPrio_ReloadRules |
1.120 - 6.36 | Transaction_AddModuleToCurrentTransaction |
1.120 - 6.36 | Transaction_Begin |
1.120 - 6.36 | Transaction_Commit |
1.120 - 6.36 | Transaction_Free_ErrorString |
1.120 - 6.36 | Transaction_Rollback |
3.92 - 6.36 | UIM_Access_Delete |
3.93 - 6.36 | UIM_Access_Enter_TR069Context |
3.93 - 6.36 | UIM_Access_Leave_TR069Context |
4.55 - 6.36 | UIM_IsAuthenticated |
1.120 - 3.71 | UIP_API_AttribList_GetFirst |
1.120 - 3.71 | UIP_API_AttribList_GetNext |
1.120 - 3.71 | UIP_API_InvalidateAllProviderNodePointers |
1.120 - 3.71 | UIP_API_InvalidateCachedPathStrings |
1.120 - 3.71 | UIP_API_InvalidateNodePointer |
1.120 - 3.71 | UIP_API_MakeNodePointer |
1.120 - 3.71 | UIP_API_NodePtrFind |
1.120 - 3.71 | UI_API_CreateNode |
1.120 - 3.71 | UI_API_DeleteNode |
1.120 - 3.71 | UI_API_DoAction |
1.120 - 3.71 | UI_API_GetAttribute |
1.120 - 3.71 | UI_API_GetNode |
3.23 - 3.71 | UI_API_ProtectNodePtr |
1.120 - 3.71 | UI_API_Register_Provider |
3.23 - 3.71 | UI_API_RemoveAllFromCache |
3.23 - 3.71 | UI_API_RemoveFromCache |
1.120 - 3.71 | UI_API_SetAttribute |
3.23 - 3.71 | UI_API_UnProtectNodePtr |
1.120 - 3.71 | UI_API_Unregister_All_Providers |
1.120 - 3.71 | UI_GetVal |
3.58 - 3.71 | UI_GetVal_WithNode |
3.42 - 3.71 | UI_SetVal_WithNode |
1.120 - 3.71 | UI_ar7cfg_SetVal |
3.23 - 3.71 | UI_ar7cfg_SetVal_WithNode |
3.23 - 3.71 | UI_voipcfg_AddVal |
3.23 - 3.71 | UI_voipcfg_DeleteList |
1.120 - 3.71 | UI_voipcfg_SetVal |
4.80 - 6.36 | UMTS_ExternallyChangedNotification |
4.65 - 6.36 | UMTS_Provider_Register |
4.65 - 6.36 | UMTS_Register |
6.20 | UMTS_backup_cablestate_change |
4.86 - 6.36 | UMTS_backup_dslstate_change |
6.25 - 6.34 | UpdateCheck_GetHomenetAutoUpdateConfig |
6.10 - 6.36 | UpdateCheck_IsAggressiveNotificationSet |
6.25 - 6.34 | UpdateCheck_PostUpdate_DidUpdateSucceed |
6.25 - 6.34 | UpdateCheck_PostUpdate_GetUpdateInfoURL |
5.07 - 6.36 | UpdateCheck_PrivacySettingsChanged |
4.03 - 6.36 | UpdateCheck_Register |
6.10 - 6.36 | UpdateCheck_SetBoxInfoUpdateConfig |
6.25 - 6.34 | UpdateCheck_UpdateNotify_Failed |
6.25 - 6.34 | UpdateCheck_UpdateNotify_Start |
5.09 - 6.36 | UpdateJasonBoxInfoFlags |
5.53 - 6.06 | UpdateLanDeviceInFlash |
5.53 - 6.36 | UpdateList |
5.53 - 6.06 | UpdateList_AddAr7CfgLanDevices |
5.53 - 6.06 | UpdateList_AddForwardRules |
5.53 - 5.55 | UpdateList_AddIPv6Firewall |
5.53 - 6.06 | UpdateList_AddManagementURL |
5.53 - 6.06 | UpdateList_AddMyFritzServices |
5.53 - 5.55 | UpdateList_AddStatic |
5.53 - 6.06 | UpdateList_AddTrafficPrio |
5.53 - 6.06 | UpdateList_AddUsers |
5.53 - 6.06 | UpdateList_AddWLan |
5.53 - 6.06 | UpdateList_CheckIsDoubleNeighbourName |
5.58 - 6.06 | UpdateList_CopyInfoForPLC546E |
5.53 - 6.06 | UpdateList_DeleteInactiveGuests |
5.53 - 6.06 | UpdateList_DeleteWLanWithoutSourceWlan |
5.53 - 6.06 | UpdateList_GenerateIDsAndAutoname |
5.53 - 6.06 | UpdateList_PrepareStructLists |
5.53 - 6.06 | UpdateList_ReadNeighbour |
4.80 - 5.55 | Update_FTPS_Server_Certificate |
5.55 - 6.36 | Update_FTPS_Server_Certificate_Async |
4.22 - 6.36 | UserCfg_GetDirty |
4.22 - 6.36 | UserCfg_SetDirty |
6.10 - 6.36 | UserCfg_SetDirty_Delayed |
6.10 - 6.36 | UserCfg_SetInt |
5.01 - 6.36 | UserCfg_SetString |
5.01 - 6.36 | UserCfg_SetTimeOffset |
4.22 - 6.36 | UserCfg_UnsetDirty |
5.01 - 6.36 | VCC_Exit |
4.65 - 6.36 | VCC_ReInit |
4.76 - 6.36 | VCC_SetDSLIface_dsl_encap |
5.04 - 6.36 | VCC_adjust_dslencaps |
4.06 - 5.09 | VINAX_open_dev |
5.50 - 6.36 | VPN_Register |
1.120 - 3.71 | VoIPCfg_Provider::Apply |
1.120 - 3.71 | VoIPCfg_Provider::DoAction |
1.120 - 3.71 | VoIPCfg_Provider::Undo |
1.120 - 3.71 | VoIPCfg_Provider_Register |
4.49 - 6.36 | VoIP_GetConfiguredInternetScenario |
5.50 - 6.36 | VpnCfg_GetDirty |
5.50 - 6.36 | VpnCfg_SetDirty |
5.50 - 6.36 | VpnCfg_UnsetDirty |
4.56 - 6.36 | Wakeup_Register |
4.63 - 4.99 | Webdavclient_Register |
1.120 - 3.71 | WlanCfg_Provider::Apply |
1.120 - 3.71 | WlanCfg_Provider::DoAction |
1.120 - 3.71 | WlanCfg_Provider::Undo |
1.120 - 3.71 | WlanCfg_Provider_Register |
5.53 - 6.06 | WriteLanDevices |
5.27 - 6.36 | ahausrcfg_GetDirty |
5.27 - 6.36 | ahausrcfg_SetBool |
5.27 - 6.36 | ahausrcfg_SetDirty |
5.27 - 6.36 | ahausrcfg_SetInt |
5.27 - 6.36 | ahausrcfg_SetString |
5.27 - 6.36 | ahausrcfg_SetTimeOffset |
5.27 - 6.36 | ahausrcfg_UnsetDirty |
6.10 - 6.34 | append_ip4_to_list |
3.92 - 6.36 | apply_ctlmgr_all_values |
3.73 - 6.36 | ar7cfg_SetBool |
3.73 - 6.36 | ar7cfg_SetDirty |
3.73 - 6.36 | ar7cfg_SetEnum |
4.80 - 6.36 | ar7cfg_SetIP6ADDR |
3.73 - 6.36 | ar7cfg_SetIPADDR |
3.73 - 6.36 | ar7cfg_SetInt |
3.73 - 6.36 | ar7cfg_SetMacaddr |
3.85 - 6.36 | ar7cfg_SetShort |
3.73 - 6.36 | ar7cfg_SetString |
6.25 - 6.34 | ar7cfg_SetTime |
3.73 - 6.36 | ar7cfg_SetTimeOffset |
3.73 - 6.36 | ar7cfg_UnsetString |
4.65 - 5.09 | async_hansenet_setfactorydefaults_keep_pin |
4.65 - 5.09 | async_hansenet_soft_setfactorydefaults |
4.86 - 6.36 | async_power_off |
3.80 - 6.36 | async_reboot |
4.80 - 6.36 | async_restart_ctlmgr |
3.42 - 6.06 | async_setcountry |
1.120 - 6.36 | async_setfactorydefaults |
4.63 - 6.06 | async_setlanguage |
4.44 - 4.81 | ata_led_eth_status |
4.03 - 5.09 | ata_led_state |
4.24 - 4.27 | atexit |
5.29 - 6.36 | auth_callback_for_internet_access |
5.29 - 6.36 | auth_callback_for_tr064 |
5.29 - 6.36 | auth_callback_for_tr064_with_xml |
4.74 - 5.27 | avm_clfy_add_dhcpoptionmatch |
5.27 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_add_dhcppacketmatch |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_add_head |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_add_ip_dport |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_add_ip_sport |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_add_localmark |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_add_packetmatch |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_add_tail |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_alloc |
6.10 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_as_string |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_checkflag_clone |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_clone |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_cmp |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_del_and_free |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_del_and_free_all |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_ethersrctab_add |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_ethersrctab_del |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_ethersrctab_find |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_ethersrctab_find_or_create |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_ethersrctab_freeall |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_ethersrctab_is_in |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_ethersrctab_reset |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_find_action |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_free |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_matches |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_optim |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_parse |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_register_action |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_set_debugflag |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_set_execute |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_set_optim |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_set_show |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_set_walk |
4.74 - 6.36 | avm_clfy_show |
3.23 - 3.71 | bool_10_to_yesno |
3.23 - 3.71 | bool_10_to_yesno_inverted |
3.23 - 3.71 | bool_yesno_to_10 |
3.23 - 3.71 | bool_yesno_to_10_inverted |
6.10 - 6.36 | box_prepare_restart |
1.120 - 6.36 | box_register |
4.28 - 6.36 | box_restore_saved_ip_config |
3.85 - 4.27 | box_restore_saved_non_ata_ip_config |
4.28 - 6.36 | box_save_ip_config |
4.78 - 6.36 | box_set_BSA_ON |
4.61 - 4.99 | build_dsl_pushmail_file |
4.63 - 6.36 | build_dsl_pushmail_fp |
4.38 - 4.99 | build_dslmailfile |
4.80 - 6.36 | build_dslmailfile_text |
4.80 - 6.36 | build_dslmailfile_xml |
5.29 - 6.36 | calc_rights |
5.09 - 6.36 | calculate_response |
1.120 - 6.36 | call_module_pollfuncs |
4.48 - 6.36 | call_module_pollfuncs_of_single_so |
4.74 - 5.04 | capiotcp_closefds |
3.85 - 4.27 | capiotcp_register |
1.120 - 3.80 | capture_register |
5.01 - 6.36 | cfgtakeover_startcheck |
4.74 - 6.36 | change_dslbridge_if_routing_activated |
4.66 - 6.36 | check_chars |
6.25 - 6.34 | check_fwupdatestatus_cb |
1.120 - 4.27 | check_net_segment |
1.120 - 6.36 | clean_all_module_classes |
5.07 - 6.36 | cleantempstrings |
4.48 - 4.99 | clear_html_data |
3.42 - 6.36 | closehandles |
6.04 - 6.36 | cm_misc_wlan_free_iflist |
6.04 - 6.36 | cm_misc_wlan_get_guest_interfacenames |
6.04 - 6.36 | cm_misc_wlan_getinterfaces |
4.74 - 5.04 | concat2 |
4.63 - 5.09 | configure_remote_wlan |
1.120 - 6.36 | connection0_register |
3.58 - 4.27 | connection_voip_register |
5.58 - 6.36 | connstate_changed_received |
5.07 - 6.36 | console_msg |
2.76 | container_create |
2.76 | container_free_all |
2.76 | container_instantiate_modules_from_graph |
2.76 | container_link_from_graph |
2.76 | container_register |
2.76 | container_search |
5.58 - 6.36 | copy_file |
2.76 | count_all_instances |
2.76 | count_instances |
2.76 | count_registered_modules |
3.42 - 4.27 | country_register |
4.86 - 6.36 | cpu_add_pushmail_1 |
4.86 - 6.36 | cpu_add_pushmail_2 |
4.86 - 6.36 | cpu_register |
5.07 - 6.36 | create_dsl_event_list |
4.74 - 6.36 | ctlmgr_closefds |
4.68 - 6.36 | ctlmgr_get_wps |
6.25 - 6.34 | ctlmgr_sd_generate_supportdata |
4.68 - 6.36 | ctlmgr_set_wps |
3.42 - 4.27 | ctlusb_register |
6.25 - 6.34 | ddns_get_domain |
3.23 - 4.27 | ddns_register |
4.03 - 4.27 | dect_register |
2.76 | delete_wrapper |
2.76 | detach_all_modules |
2.76 | detach_entities |
2.76 | detach_module |
4.74 - 5.27 | dhcp_cons_options |
5.27 - 6.36 | dhcp_extract_125_string |
6.10 - 6.36 | dhcp_find_125_option |
6.10 - 6.36 | dhcp_find_43_option |
5.27 - 6.36 | dhcp_free_dhcpoption |
5.27 - 6.36 | dhcp_free_dhcpoptions |
6.10 - 6.36 | dhcp_free_option |
4.74 - 6.36 | dhcp_free_options |
5.27 - 6.36 | dhcp_hfield2str |
5.27 - 6.36 | dhcp_packet_matches |
4.74 - 6.36 | dhcp_parse_option_buffer |
4.74 - 6.36 | dhcp_parse_options |
6.10 - 6.36 | dhcp_set_option |
1.120 - 4.27 | dhcpd_register |
4.70 - 5.09 | dns_gethostbyname_wait |
4.74 - 6.36 | dphelper_mask2prefixlen |
4.74 - 6.36 | dphelper_prefixlen2mask |
2.76 | dsldstat_get_connecttime |
2.76 | dsldstat_get_connstatus |
2.76 | dsldstat_get_errorstatus |
2.76 | dsldstat_get_ipaddress |
2.76 | dsldstat_init |
4.38 - 4.99 | dslmail_complete |
6.10 - 6.36 | dump_webserver_statistic |
4.24 - 4.27 | dup |
6.25 - 6.34 | emailnotify_free_diagnose |
6.33 - 6.36 | emailnotify_isvalidpwd |
3.42 - 4.27 | emailnotify_register |
4.85 | encode_xml |
3.73 - 6.36 | enum2str |
1.120 - 6.36 | env_register |
1.120 - 6.36 | eth_register |
1.120 - 4.33 | ethaddr2str |
5.07 - 6.36 | ethernet_guests_enabled |
3.73 - 6.36 | ethstr2addr |
3.23 - 3.37 | event_register |
1.120 - 6.36 | exec_reboot |
4.22 - 6.36 | exec_shellcmd |
4.38 - 6.36 | exec_shellcmd_no_wait |
4.24 - 4.27 | execl |
4.24 - 4.27 | execlp |
4.24 - 4.27 | execv |
4.24 - 4.27 | execvp |
4.24 - 4.27 | fgetpos |
5.06 - 6.36 | findRefNodeOfName |
2.76 | find_handle |
4.65 - 6.36 | fork_child_without_wait |
1.120 - 4.27 | forwardrules_register |
5.07 - 6.36 | free_config_files |
5.07 - 6.36 | free_dsl_event_list |
6.25 - 6.34 | free_global_diagnose |
3.73 - 6.36 | from_bool_string |
3.73 - 6.36 | from_bool_string_inverted |
3.88 - 3.93 | from_tr069_datetime_string |
4.24 - 4.27 | fsetpos |
6.88 - 7.18 | fwupdate_report_exit |
6.88 - 7.18 | fwupdate_report_init |
5.53 - 6.36 | generate_config_and_pushmail |
5.04 - 6.36 | generate_pushmail_with_supportdata |
4.74 - 6.06 | generate_random |
5.06 - 6.36 | getNode |
5.06 - 6.36 | getNodeWithPosition |
5.07 - 6.36 | get_WLAN_ATAiface |
5.09 - 6.06 | get_WLAN_Enabled |
5.09 - 6.36 | get_WLAN_HasFeatureWlanATA |
6.25 - 6.30 | get_accessing_kisi_account_id |
5.06 - 6.36 | get_activeprovider |
5.29 - 6.36 | get_allow_background_comm_with_manufacturer |
6.25 - 6.34 | get_apps |
4.61 - 6.36 | get_ar7cfg_is_fminiframework |
4.61 - 6.36 | get_ar7cfg_is_nightservice |
4.61 - 6.36 | get_ar7cfg_nightservice_time |
5.06 - 6.36 | get_autostart_by_id |
5.29 - 6.36 | get_boxusers |
4.86 - 6.36 | get_cpu_schedule |
3.42 - 3.71 | get_days_since_start_of_month |
4.50 - 4.99 | get_dect_or_mini_name |
5.06 - 6.36 | get_displayname_by_id |
4.86 - 6.36 | get_dslglobalconfig |
5.01 - 6.36 | get_eth_speed |
4.79 - 6.36 | get_ethifacestate |
4.48 - 4.99 | get_external_url_or_ip |
4.63 - 4.99 | get_fon_ports |
6.25 - 6.36 | get_guest_enabled |
6.10 - 6.36 | get_guest_ipv4_network |
4.44 - 6.36 | get_if_addr |
4.80 - 6.36 | get_labor_name |
4.41 - 5.09 | get_linux_high_level_wlan_interfacename |
4.41 - 5.09 | get_linux_low_level_wlan_interfacename |
4.80 - 6.36 | get_linux_low_level_wlan_interfacenames |
3.96 - 6.36 | get_macdsl |
5.06 - 6.36 | get_medium_by_id |
5.06 - 6.36 | get_medium_id |
4.41 - 6.36 | get_modules_list |
6.10 - 6.36 | get_nas_cpu_ipv4 |
4.57 - 4.99 | get_number_ab_ports |
5.50 - 6.36 | get_powerline |
4.85 - 6.36 | get_urlader_wan_mac |
5.06 - 6.36 | get_vlan_encap |
5.06 - 6.36 | get_vlan_id |
4.66 - 6.36 | get_wlan_hostname_from_landevicelist |
4.24 - 4.27 | geteuid |
4.24 - 4.27 | getppid |
4.24 - 4.27 | getpriority |
5.07 - 6.36 | getuifromcm |
5.06 - 6.36 | getuivalue |
4.24 - 4.27 | gmtime |
4.65 - 5.09 | hansenet_info_led_set_state |
4.65 - 5.09 | hansenet_info_led_state_DSLSync |
4.65 - 5.09 | hansenet_info_led_state_HavePIN |
4.65 - 5.09 | hansenet_info_led_state_PPPOEConnected |
4.65 - 5.09 | hansenet_info_led_state_polling_end |
4.65 - 5.09 | hansenet_info_led_state_polling_start |
3.42 - 4.27 | homei2c_register |
6.25 - 6.34 | hosts_device_search_start |
1.120 - 4.33 | icmp_rep2req |
1.120 - 3.73 | icmptypecode2str |
4.03 - 4.27 | igdforwardrules_register |
4.44 - 6.36 | increase_signal_of_webserver |
4.24 - 4.27 | inet_ntoa |
4.24 - 4.27 | inet_ntoa_r |
1.133 - 4.27 | inetstat_register |
4.03 - 6.36 | infoled_set_reason |
4.44 - 6.36 | inform_webserver |
4.85 - 6.36 | init_dns |
4.74 - 4.99 | init_httpserver |
4.74 - 4.99 | init_usb2http_proxy |
4.44 - 6.36 | init_webserver |
2.76 | instantiate_container |
1.120 - 6.36 | instantiate_module |
6.10 - 6.36 | interfaces_is_in_main_ip_network |
1.133 - 4.27 | interfaces_register |
4.55 - 6.06 | io_buf::buffered_getline |
1.120 - 3.73 | ipaccess_parse |
1.120 - 4.27 | ipaccess_string |
3.61 - 4.27 | ipaccess_string_use_flags |
1.120 - 4.27 | ipaccessconnectionflag_parse |
1.120 - 4.27 | ipaccessconnectionflag_string |
1.120 - 4.27 | ipaccessdirection_string |
1.120 - 4.27 | ipaccesslogging_parse |
1.120 - 4.27 | ipaccesslogging_string |
1.120 - 4.27 | ipaccessoperator_parse |
1.120 - 4.27 | ipaccessoperator_string |
1.120 - 4.27 | ipaccesspolicy_parse |
1.120 - 4.27 | ipaccesspolicy_string |
1.120 - 4.27 | ipaccesstcpflag_parse |
1.120 - 4.27 | ipaccesstcpflag_string |
1.120 - 4.33 | ipaddr2str |
1.120 - 4.33 | ipaddrport_parse |
3.64 - 4.33 | ipaddrportrange_parse |
1.120 - 4.33 | iph2str |
5.58 - 6.06 | iplist_append_inaddr |
5.58 - 6.06 | iplist_free |
5.58 - 6.06 | iplist_in |
5.58 - 6.06 | iplist_remove_inaddr |
1.120 - 4.33 | ipmasqfwrule_parse |
1.120 - 4.33 | ipmasqfwrule_string |
1.120 - 4.33 | ipmasqfwruleex_parse |
1.120 - 4.33 | ipmasqfwruleex_string |
1.120 - 4.33 | ipproto2str |
1.120 - 4.33 | ipproto_parse |
6.10 - 6.36 | ipv4_overlap |
5.09 - 6.21 | ipv6_erouter_mode |
5.59 - 6.36 | isTCPPortConflict |
4.50 - 4.99 | is_file_there |
4.80 - 5.57 | is_guest_box |
4.85 - 6.36 | is_guest_ipv4 |
6.10 - 6.36 | is_guest_ipv4_conflict |
4.03 - 5.08 | is_led_existing |
4.86 - 5.08 | is_netapp_profile_in_use |
1.120 - 4.33 | is_normalipaddr |
3.93 - 6.36 | is_ui_module |
4.24 - 4.27 | isdigit |
1.133 - 6.36 | islanbridgemode |
4.24 - 4.27 | isspace |
5.07 - 5.09 | jasonii_config_changed |
6.25 - 6.36 | jasonii_credentials_inuse |
5.09 - 6.36 | jasonii_fill_boxauth |
6.25 - 6.34 | jasonii_get_domain |
5.09 - 6.36 | jasonii_is_box_registered |
5.27 - 6.36 | jasonii_set_webservice_url_overrides |
5.09 - 6.36 | jasonii_sync_exit |
6.25 - 6.36 | jasonii_sync_fix_config |
5.09 - 6.36 | jasonii_sync_init |
6.25 - 6.36 | jasonii_sync_is_possible_dns_label_for_name |
5.09 - 6.36 | jasonii_sync_local_config_changed |
6.20 - 6.23 | jasonii_sync_make_dns_label |
5.09 - 6.36 | jasonii_sync_server_config_changed |
5.09 - 6.36 | jasonii_sync_trigger |
1.120 - 6.06 | key_getParts |
1.120 - 6.06 | key_split |
1.120 - 6.06 | key_tokenize |
5.27 - 6.36 | keyvalue_store_create |
5.27 - 6.36 | keyvalue_store_del |
5.27 - 6.36 | keyvalue_store_destroy |
5.27 - 6.36 | keyvalue_store_get |
5.27 - 6.36 | keyvalue_store_set |
4.21 - 4.27 | led_7150_ata_mode_mapping |
5.23 - 6.36 | libfon_gcgroups_update_notify |
5.27 - 6.36 | libfon_gcimagedl |
5.50 - 6.36 | libfon_gcoauth2notify |
4.74 - 4.99 | libfon_get_ontel_lastconnect |
4.74 - 4.99 | libfon_get_ontel_status |
4.74 - 6.36 | libfon_set_ontel_lastconnect |
4.74 - 6.36 | libfon_set_ontel_revision |
4.74 - 6.36 | libfon_set_ontel_status |
1.120 - 1.128 | log_bind_ksyslog |
2.76 | log_detach |
3.23 - 6.36 | log_dump_continue |
1.120 - 5.09 | log_dump_reverse |
1.120 - 1.128 | log_get_name_by_num |
1.120 - 1.128 | log_get_num_by_name |
1.120 - 6.36 | log_init |
1.120 - 6.36 | log_msg_handle |
1.120 - 3.14 | logger |
1.120 - 3.14 | logger2 |
1.120 - 5.09 | logic_init |
1.120 - 5.09 | logic_msg_handle |
1.120 - 6.36 | login_register |
5.29 - 6.36 | logout_all_sessions_of_userid |
5.29 - 6.36 | logout_all_sessions_of_userid_but_keep_the_current_session |
4.24 - 4.27 | longjmp |
4.71 - 6.36 | macaddr2str |
1.120 - 8.00 | main |
1.120 - 6.36 | manager_init |
2.76 | manager_isHandle |
4.80 - 6.36 | manager_is_provider_change |
1.120 - 6.36 | manager_message |
1.120 - 5.09 | manager_routeHook |
2.76 | manager_save |
4.30 - 6.36 | message_if_close |
4.30 - 6.36 | message_if_open |
4.30 - 6.36 | message_if_send |
5.27 - 6.36 | message_if_send_with_retry |
1.120 - 4.99 | mkdisplayname |
1.120 - 4.99 | mkusername |
2.76 | mod_save_single |
4.22 - 6.36 | module_apply_all |
2.76 | module_associate |
2.76 | module_disassociate |
5.07 - 6.36 | module_exit |
4.48 - 6.36 | module_get_newly_created |
4.48 - 6.36 | module_reset_newly_created |
1.120 - 6.36 | module_search_for |
1.120 - 5.09 | msg_local |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_makeBase |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_makeTransApply |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_makeTransBase |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_makeTransComboError |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_makeTransError |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_makeTransGroupBegin |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_makeTransGroupEnd |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_makeTransQuery |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_makeTransReject |
1.120 - 6.36 | msgm_makeTransResponse |
1.120 - 6.36 | msgm_makeTransResponseEmpty |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_makeTransResponsePair |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_makeTransResponseSingle |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_makeTransSet |
1.120 - 3.93 | msgm_replyIfaceStats |
1.120 - 6.36 | msgm_replyTransResponseSingle |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_sendTransApply |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_sendTransComboError |
1.120 - 6.36 | msgm_sendTransError |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_sendTransGroupBegin |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_sendTransGroupEnd |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_sendTransQuery |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_sendTransReject |
1.120 - 6.36 | msgm_sendTransResponse |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_sendTransResponseEmpty |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_sendTransResponsePair |
1.120 - 6.36 | msgm_sendTransResponseSingle |
1.120 - 5.09 | msgm_sendTransSet |
4.28 - 6.36 | multidleases_close |
4.28 - 6.36 | multidleases_get_host_by_ip |
4.72 - 6.36 | multidleases_get_leasetime_by_ip |
4.28 - 6.36 | multidleases_get_nextentry |
4.28 - 6.36 | multidleases_open |
3.73 - 5.09 | my_ipaddr2str |
2.76 | new_default_tree_from_class |
6.20 - 6.34 | non-virtual thunk to HttpAuthClient::~HttpAuthClient |
1.120 - 5.09 | non_emulated_message |
5.53 - 6.36 | nqos_sync_groups_ready |
4.44 - 4.99 | old_return |
4.24 - 4.27 | on_exit |
5.27 - 6.36 | oncal_notify |
5.07 - 6.36 | online_phonebook_changed |
1.120 - 4.33 | packet_is_valid_dns_query_reply |
1.120 - 4.33 | packet_is_valid_dns_query_request |
5.27 - 6.36 | parse_dhcpheadermatch |
5.27 - 6.36 | parse_dhcpoptionmatch |
5.27 - 6.36 | parse_hex |
5.27 - 6.36 | parse_ipaddr |
5.27 - 6.36 | parse_mac |
5.27 - 6.36 | parse_oui |
5.27 - 6.36 | parse_prefix |
5.27 - 6.36 | parse_prefix6 |
5.27 - 6.36 | parse_string |
5.27 - 6.36 | parse_u16 |
5.27 - 6.36 | parse_u8 |
5.27 - 6.36 | parse_ulong |
5.29 - 6.36 | parse_xml_auth_callback_params |
4.74 - 6.06 | pbupdstatus2str |
4.74 - 6.06 | phonebook_update_function |
1.120 - 1.123 | pidfile_lock |
1.120 - 1.123 | pidfile_read |
1.120 - 1.123 | pidfile_unlock |
4.24 - 4.27 | pipe |
4.63 - 6.34 | plugin_check |
4.63 - 6.34 | plugin_prepare |
6.10 - 6.34 | plugin_prepare_restart |
4.63 - 6.34 | plugin_register |
4.44 - 5.09 | poll_webserver |
5.06 - 6.36 | pollmodules_exit |
3.73 - 4.06 | power_led_state |
4.44 - 6.36 | prepare_fds |
3.42 - 4.27 | presence_register |
4.12 - 6.36 | prettyprint_datetime |
4.12 - 6.36 | prettyprint_octets |
4.12 - 6.36 | prettyprint_permille |
5.07 - 6.36 | print_dsl_event_list |
4.61 - 5.09 | print_stats |
2.76 | private_detach_all_modules |
1.120 - 3.37 | private_instantiate_module |
1.120 - 4.27 | private_module_search_for |
2.76 | private_module_search_for_type |
2.76 | private_start_all_modules |
2.76 | private_stop_all_modules |
5.29 - 6.36 | process_configexport_mail |
5.07 - 6.36 | process_connectmail |
5.04 - 6.36 | process_crashmail |
6.25 - 6.34 | process_diagnose_mail |
4.38 - 5.27 | process_dslmail |
5.06 - 5.27 | process_dslmail_ex |
5.27 - 6.36 | process_fbmail |
5.29 - 6.36 | process_fwupdatehint_mail |
6.25 - 6.34 | process_fwupdatestatus_mail |
3.42 - 5.09 | process_mailstatistic |
6.10 - 6.36 | process_newdevice_mail |
6.10 - 6.36 | process_openports_mail |
5.58 - 6.36 | process_password_mail |
5.07 - 6.36 | process_pushservice |
6.10 - 6.36 | process_reboot_mail |
5.05 - 6.21 | process_ripv2_message |
4.80 - 6.36 | process_supportdatamail |
6.10 - 6.36 | process_testmail_mail |
4.63 - 5.27 | process_voipmail |
5.58 - 6.36 | process_wlangueststatus_mail |
5.07 - 5.27 | process_wlanmail |
4.80 - 6.36 | provider_change_callback |
4.80 - 6.36 | provider_change_complete_after_restart |
6.25 - 6.36 | provider_change_extract_username_of_postset |
4.80 | providerdirname2friendlyname |
5.06 - 6.36 | providerlist_check4profile_switch |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_atfork |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_cancel |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_create |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_detach |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_equal |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_exit |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_getschedparam |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_getspecific |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_join |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_key_create |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_key_delete |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_mutex_destroy |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_mutex_init |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_mutex_lock |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_mutex_timedlock |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_mutex_trylock |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_mutex_unlock |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_mutexattr_destroy |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_mutexattr_init |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_once |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_self |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_setcancelstate |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_setcanceltype |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_setschedparam |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_setspecific |
4.24 - 4.27 | pthread_testcancel |
4.24 - 4.27 | puts |
4.74 - 5.04 | query_dslbridge_if_routing_activated |
4.24 - 4.27 | reboot |
4.55 - 6.36 | reconfig_webserver |
4.63 - 6.36 | regevent_delete_queue |
4.63 - 6.36 | regevent_enqueue |
4.63 - 6.36 | regevent_exit |
4.63 - 5.57 | regevent_init |
4.63 - 6.36 | regevent_register |
4.63 - 6.36 | regevent_register_simple |
4.63 - 6.36 | regevent_send |
4.63 - 6.36 | regevent_send_and_delete_queue |
4.63 - 6.36 | regevent_send_unregister |
1.120 - 6.36 | register_all_modules |
1.120 - 6.36 | register_module |
4.80 - 6.36 | register_providerchange_callback |
5.50 - 6.36 | register_vpn_stat |
4.74 - 4.99 | reinit_fsproxy |
4.44 - 6.36 | reinit_webserver |
4.44 - 6.36 | reinit_webserver_ssl |
6.20 - 6.34 | remoteauth_authenticate |
6.20 - 6.34 | remoteauth_authenticator_box_addr_is_set |
6.20 - 6.34 | remoteauth_exit |
6.25 - 6.34 | remoteauth_get_authenticator_box_addr |
6.20 - 6.34 | remoteauth_get_challenge |
6.20 - 6.34 | remoteauth_is_anonymous_login_async |
6.20 - 6.34 | remoteauth_set_authenticator_box_addr |
4.52 - 6.36 | remove_all_spaces |
1.120 - 3.94 | report_adam2_env |
3.96 - 4.27 | report_urlader_env |
1.120 - 2.76 | report_version |
4.80 - 6.36 | reset_provider_additive_activation |
3.61 - 6.36 | reset_retry_trigger |
5.04 - 5.09 | reset_telcfg_config |
6.10 - 6.36 | reset_webserver_statistic |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights2str |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_provider_register |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_query |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_query_cache_flush |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_query_cache_set_full_access_context |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_query_cache_set_sid_context |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_query_enum_all_objects |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_query_enum_all_objects_for_userid |
6.25 - 6.34 | rights_query_enum_all_objects_for_userid_and_appid |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_query_for_user |
6.25 - 6.34 | rights_query_for_user_and_app |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_query_get_userid |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_query_get_username |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_query_is_authenticated |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_query_is_authenticated_of_sid |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_query_of_sid |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_query_of_userid |
6.25 - 6.34 | rights_query_of_userid_and_appid |
6.25 - 6.34 | rights_query_user_and_app_has_any_internet_rights |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_query_user_changes_complete |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_query_user_deleted |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_query_user_has_any_internet_rights |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_query_user_renamed |
5.29 - 6.36 | rights_register |
5.05 - 6.21 | ripv2_backup_to_no_rip |
3.23 - 4.27 | route_register |
3.42 - 6.36 | run_setcountry |
6.10 - 6.36 | run_setlanguage |
3.73 - 6.36 | safe_strcpy |
3.73 - 6.36 | safe_strncpy |
4.46 - 6.36 | sar_GetShowtime |
4.22 - 6.36 | sar_SetATAMode |
4.61 - 5.09 | sar_add_dsl_pushmail |
5.01 - 5.04 | sar_add_dsl_pushmail_1 |
5.01 - 5.04 | sar_add_dsl_pushmail_2 |
5.01 - 5.04 | sar_add_dsl_pushmail_3 |
3.14 - 4.99 | sar_getDSLCarrierState |
4.80 - 6.36 | sar_get_24h_dslinfo |
3.85 - 6.36 | sar_get_carrier_state |
3.85 - 6.36 | sar_get_dslinfo |
4.38 - 5.09 | sar_get_dslinfo2 |
4.61 - 5.09 | sar_get_dslinfo2_pushmail |
4.56 - 5.09 | sar_get_dslinfo3 |
4.61 - 5.09 | sar_get_dslinfo3_pushmail |
4.56 - 5.09 | sar_get_dslinfo4 |
4.61 - 5.09 | sar_get_dslinfo5_pushmail |
4.61 - 5.09 | sar_get_dslinfo6_pushmail |
4.63 - 5.09 | sar_get_dslinfo_tr069 |
4.85 - 6.36 | sar_get_dslswitch |
4.80 - 6.36 | sar_get_test_params |
4.70 - 6.36 | sar_get_total_dslinfo |
4.38 - 5.09 | sar_print_dslinfo |
1.120 - 5.09 | sar_register |
4.56 - 6.36 | sar_supportdata_sent |
4.56 - 6.36 | save_UI_realms |
1.120 - 2.76 | save_ar7cfg |
1.120 - 1.135 | save_begin |
1.120 - 1.135 | save_end |
1.120 - 2.76 | save_voipcfg |
1.120 - 1.135 | save_wlancfg |
4.24 - 4.27 | sched_get_priority_max |
4.24 - 4.27 | sched_getparam |
4.24 - 4.27 | sched_getscheduler |
4.24 - 4.27 | sched_setscheduler |
4.24 - 4.27 | sched_yield |
6.10 - 6.34 | security_SkipAuthFromHomenetwork_changed |
4.62 - 6.36 | security_config_changed_event |
5.29 - 6.36 | security_context_get_current_sid |
5.29 - 6.36 | security_context_get_current_userid |
6.25 - 6.34 | security_context_get_current_userid_and_appid |
5.29 - 6.36 | security_context_release |
5.29 - 6.36 | security_context_set |
6.10 - 6.36 | security_create_sid_invalid_notifier |
6.10 - 6.36 | security_destroy_sid_invalid_notifier |
6.25 - 6.34 | security_find_userid_and_appid_by_sid |
6.25 - 6.34 | security_find_userid_and_appid_by_sid_ex |
5.29 - 6.36 | security_find_userid_by_sid |
5.50 - 6.36 | security_find_userid_by_sid_ex |
6.20 - 6.34 | security_is_session_authenticated |
4.80 - 6.36 | security_prepare_restart |
1.120 - 6.36 | security_register |
5.50 - 5.57 | security_set_sid_invalid_callback |
4.24 - 4.27 | sem_close |
4.24 - 4.27 | sem_open |
4.24 - 4.27 | sem_timedwait |
4.24 - 4.27 | sem_unlink |
5.06 - 6.06 | send_mail |
5.29 - 6.36 | session_store_get |
5.29 - 6.36 | session_store_set |
4.85 - 6.36 | set_annex |
5.09 - 6.01 | set_avm_pa |
4.85 - 6.36 | set_country |
4.86 - 6.36 | set_cpu_schedule |
4.80 - 6.36 | set_labor_name |
4.85 - 6.36 | set_language |
4.63 - 6.36 | set_language_for_webserver |
5.53 - 6.06 | set_neighbour_infos |
4.80 - 5.04 | set_surfcontrol_config |
5.06 - 6.36 | set_vlan_encap |
5.06 - 6.36 | set_vlan_id |
4.24 - 4.27 | sethostname |
4.24 - 4.27 | setpriority |
4.24 - 4.27 | setrlimit |
4.61 - 6.36 | show_csock_statistics |
4.24 - 4.27 | sigaddset |
4.24 - 4.27 | sigdelset |
4.24 - 4.27 | sigfillset |
4.24 - 4.27 | siglongjmp |
4.44 - 6.36 | signal_pidfile |
4.24 - 4.27 | sigsuspend |
2.76 - 4.27 | sip_register |
4.24 - 4.27 | sleep |
1.120 - 6.36 | so_getsym |
1.120 - 6.36 | so_loadobject |
5.04 - 6.36 | speedtest_Register |
2.76 | start_all_modules |
2.76 | stop_all_modules |
2.76 | stop_embedded_modules |
4.74 - 4.99 | stop_fsproxy |
4.44 - 6.36 | stop_webserver |
3.73 - 6.36 | str2enum |
4.74 - 6.36 | str2in6_addr |
3.73 - 5.09 | str2ipaddr |
4.71 - 6.36 | str2macaddr |
3.23 - 3.71 | str2timeoffset |
4.24 - 4.27 | strcat |
4.24 - 4.27 | strncasecmp |
4.24 - 4.27 | strncat |
5.04 - 6.36 | stub_build_lte_pushmail_fp |
5.05 - 6.36 | stub_build_wlan_pushmail_fp |
2.76 | switch_path |
4.24 - 4.27 | sync |
4.24 - 4.27 | sysinfo |
4.03 - 4.27 | tamconf_register |
4.74 - 5.07 | tcclass_name2value |
4.74 - 5.07 | tcclass_value2str |
4.74 - 5.07 | tcclassset_value2str |
1.120 - 3.73 | tcpflags2str |
1.120 - 4.27 | telcfg_register |
1.120 - 4.99 | terminate |
3.88 - 6.36 | terminate_pidfile_forced |
4.41 - 6.36 | terminate_pidfile_forced_and_wait |
5.07 - 6.36 | test_dsl_events |
6.10 - 6.36 | time_millisec |
1.120 - 4.27 | time_register |
4.55 - 6.36 | time_sec |
3.23 - 3.71 | timeoffset2str |
4.12 - 6.36 | timsgprocessor_do_message |
3.73 - 6.36 | to_bool_string |
3.73 - 6.36 | to_bool_string_inverted |
4.12 - 4.33 | tr069_conf_initialized_notify |
3.88 - 3.93 | tr069_datetime_to_string |
4.06 - 4.27 | tr069_register |
4.06 - 6.36 | tr069cfg_GetDirty |
4.06 - 6.36 | tr069cfg_SetBool |
4.06 - 6.36 | tr069cfg_SetDirty |
4.06 - 6.36 | tr069cfg_SetInt |
4.06 - 6.36 | tr069cfg_SetString |
4.06 - 6.36 | tr069cfg_SetTimeOffset |
4.06 - 6.36 | tr069cfg_UnsetDirty |
4.44 - 6.06 | traffic_class2str |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_addKey |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_addKeyDup |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_addNodeAttribute |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_addNodeChild |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_addNodeChildDup |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_copy |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_copyAttributes |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_deleteKey |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_deleteKeyAttribute |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_deleteKeyValue |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_deleteNode |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_deleteNodeAttribute |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_dump |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_dump2 |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_dumpXML |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_findKey |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_findNodeAttribute |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_findNodeChild |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_flush |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_flushNodeAttributes |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_getKeyAttribute |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_getKeyContent |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_getNodeAttribute |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_isKeyEqual |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_move |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_newNode |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_setKeyAttribute |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_setKeyContent |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_setNodeContent |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_setNodeName |
1.120 - 3.14 | tree_subset |
3.14 - 3.37 | trigger_watchdog |
5.58 - 6.36 | tunnel_guests_enabled |
1.120 - 5.27 | udo_key_split |
6.25 - 6.34 | ui_module_plusplus::~ui_module_plusplus |
6.25 - 6.34 | ui_module_plusplus_list::CreateSubNode |
6.25 - 6.34 | ui_module_plusplus_list::DeleteNode |
6.25 - 6.34 | ui_module_plusplus_list::Exit |
6.25 - 6.34 | ui_module_plusplus_list::FindFirstSubNode |
6.25 - 6.34 | ui_module_plusplus_list::FindNextSibling |
6.25 - 6.34 | ui_module_plusplus_list::FreeNodeRef |
6.25 - 6.34 | ui_module_plusplus_list::GetName |
6.25 - 6.34 | ui_module_plusplus_list::GetPosition |
6.25 - 6.34 | ui_module_plusplus_list::GetValue |
6.25 - 6.34 | ui_module_plusplus_list::Init |
6.25 - 6.34 | ui_module_plusplus_list::IsDirty |
6.25 - 6.34 | ui_module_plusplus_list::SetValue |
6.25 - 6.34 | ui_module_plusplus_list::~ui_module_plusplus_list |
5.04 - 6.36 | uimod_analyse_memory |
5.04 - 6.36 | uimod_exitall |
6.10 - 6.36 | uimod_getvalue |
3.85 - 6.36 | uint2str |
5.50 - 6.36 | unregister_vpn_stat |
1.120 - 4.33 | update_checksum |
4.38 - 6.36 | updatecheck_doupdate |
4.48 - 4.99 | updatecheck_fminiframework_changed |
4.03 - 4.27 | updatecheck_register |
4.80 - 6.36 | updatecheck_set_url |
4.38 - 6.36 | updatecheck_start |
5.58 - 6.06 | upnp_client_is_enabled |
6.10 - 6.23 | upnp_device_search_start |
1.120 - 6.36 | usb_register |
4.65 - 6.36 | usbcfg_SetBool |
4.65 - 6.36 | usbcfg_SetDirty |
4.65 - 6.36 | usbcfg_SetInt |
4.65 - 6.36 | usbcfg_SetString |
4.06 - 4.27 | vdsl_register |
4.30 - 6.36 | voipcfgAction_SetBool |
4.30 - 6.36 | voipcfgAction_SetInt |
4.30 - 6.36 | voipcfgAction_SetShort |
4.74 - 6.36 | voipcfgAction_SetString |
3.73 - 6.36 | voipcfg_GetUacfg |
3.73 - 6.36 | voipcfg_SetBool |
3.73 - 6.36 | voipcfg_SetDirty |
3.73 - 6.36 | voipcfg_SetEnum |
3.73 - 6.36 | voipcfg_SetInt |
4.22 - 6.36 | voipcfg_SetShort |
3.73 - 6.36 | voipcfg_SetString |
3.73 - 6.36 | voipcfg_SetTimeOffset |
4.06 - 4.27 | voipjournal_register |
4.06 - 4.27 | voipstat_register |
5.50 - 6.36 | vpn_access_create |
5.50 - 6.36 | vpn_access_delete |
6.25 - 6.30 | vpn_access_delete_everything |
5.50 - 6.36 | vpn_access_exists |
5.50 - 6.36 | vpn_access_get_psk |
6.25 - 6.30 | vpn_access_get_remote_virtual_ip |
6.25 - 6.30 | vpn_access_set_for_app |
5.50 - 6.36 | vpn_access_set_psk |
5.55 - 6.36 | vpn_access_update |
6.10 - 6.36 | vpn_check_and_adjust_user_remote_virtual_ips |
6.25 - 6.30 | vpn_get_connection_list |
6.25 - 6.30 | vpn_get_new_remote_virtual_ip |
5.50 - 6.36 | vpncfg_changed |
4.24 - 4.27 | wait4 |
1.120 - 1.135 | waitscript |
4.41 - 6.36 | walk_all_uimod |
4.41 - 6.36 | walk_uimod |
4.74 - 4.99 | websrv_notify |
4.74 - 4.99 | websrv_receive_hdl |
6.10 - 6.36 | websrv_statistic_count |
6.10 - 6.36 | websrv_statistic_create |
6.10 - 6.36 | websrv_statistic_destroy |
6.10 - 6.36 | websrv_statistic_dump |
5.29 - 6.36 | webvar_firewall |
5.09 - 6.06 | wlan_enabled_changed |
4.61 - 6.36 | wlan_ethstr2addr |
4.61 - 6.36 | wlan_from_bool_string |
4.61 - 6.36 | wlan_get_ACTION_IGDD_RESTART |
4.61 - 6.36 | wlan_get_ACTION_NOTHING |
4.80 - 6.36 | wlan_get_ACTION_USERMAND_NOTIFY |
4.61 - 6.36 | wlan_get_ACTION_WLAN_RESTART |
6.10 - 6.34 | wlan_get_deviceinfo_by_mac |
5.07 - 6.36 | wlan_get_known_wlan_macs |
4.61 - 5.09 | wlan_get_linux_high_level_wlan_interfacename |
4.61 - 6.36 | wlan_get_linux_low_level_wlan_interfacename |
4.80 - 6.36 | wlan_get_linux_low_level_wlan_interfacenames |
5.06 - 6.36 | wlan_get_mac_by_ipv4 |
5.07 - 6.36 | wlan_guests_enabled |
5.27 - 6.36 | wlan_is_any_ethernet_device_active |
4.85 - 6.36 | wlan_is_guest_ipv4 |
4.61 - 6.36 | wlan_message_if_send |
4.61 - 6.36 | wlan_multidleases_close |
4.61 - 6.36 | wlan_multidleases_get_host_by_ip |
4.61 - 6.36 | wlan_multidleases_get_nextentry |
4.61 - 6.36 | wlan_multidleases_open |
1.120 - 4.27 | wlan_register |
4.80 - 6.36 | wlan_set_action_mask |
4.63 - 6.36 | wlan_tr069_notify |
4.68 - 6.36 | wlan_wps_notify |
3.73 - 6.36 | wlancfg_SetBool |
3.73 - 6.36 | wlancfg_SetDirty |
3.73 - 6.36 | wlancfg_SetInt |
3.73 - 6.36 | wlancfg_SetMacaddr |
3.73 - 6.36 | wlancfg_SetString |
4.85 | xml_create_begin |
4.85 | xml_create_end |
1674 symbols for this command |